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[DIFF] 18:48 [INFO] GreyCat [1]
81 [2-5]
#01 Every bad example MUST be labeled as such, WITHIN the example. Readers don't always look at context above or below the example.
#02 Update for pho e display
#03 Coreutils: adjust for phone display. Update wording as of 2025 (in reflect to 2016)
#04 (Find): Adjust for phone display. Use neutral tone
#05 Adjust for phone display. (Never do this): already in bold, adjust to use neutral tone in examples
[DIFF] 15:48 [INFO] GreyCat [1]
81 [2-6]
#01 Miscellaneous clean up. Use archived bash-hackers link. Update POSIX link.
#02 Patterns: simplify exaples
#03 Adjust for phone display
#04 Adjust for phone display width
#05 Phone display: adjust width
#06 Array iteration: Add POSIX, Bash for examples. Simplify text
[DIFF] 07:22 [INFO] larryv [1]
81 [2-4]
#01 replaced pointless "footnote" with real link
#02 Bash hackers: update n/a link to
#03 Portability: mention mksh ans link to planned feature
#04 Portability: add busybox ash (supports)
[DIFF] 22:37 [INFO] 81 [1-5] #01 mention exit codes of command vs type in POSIX
#02 IsInPath() Use exit 0 on success
#03 IsInPath(). Simply $1 test. Use exit to reflect subshell instead of return
#04 Add spaces arous redirection '>'
#05 Add type: in POSIX. Tone down 'which is not recommended'
[DIFF] 19:17 [INFO] emanuele6 unset => unset -v
[DIFF] 13:06 [INFO] emanuele6 [1-3] #01 remove -- from trap -- const
#02 I missed some --
#03 um--: of course it is not redundant after "$tempdir" if is set from the $TMPDIR environment variable; also don't use kill -SIG in POSIX ex: not POSIX, optional XSI (legacy) ext; no trap - NUM for same
[DIFF] 00:05 [INFO] GreyCat
[DIFF] 04:47 [INFO] larryv [1-5] #01 added extra whitespace for breathing room, standardized on 4-space indentation, made "highlight" languages more accurate
#02 normalized examples further (tried to cover both "empty" and "not empty", tweaked language again)
#03 fixed example ("${files[@]}" -> "${#files[@]}")
#04 normalize example messages throughout ("directory [VERB]")
#05 partially undid rev 51 (do not encourage injecting variables into `echo` args)
[DIFF] 06:12 [INFO] larryv undid rev 6 (partial changes "broke" examples)


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