Differences between revisions 91 and 94 (spanning 3 versions)
Revision 91 as of 2008-09-08 12:41:50
Size: 4430
Editor: static
Comment: http://naomi-77.pressnewsjournal.com/teendreams-naomi/ teendreams naomi http://sanbenedetto-tronto-98.newsjournaldb.net/blog/entry/s-benedetto-tronto-hotel/ s benedetto tronto hotel http://generatore-
Revision 94 as of 2008-09-08 15:12:26
Size: 3362
Editor: GreyCat
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http://naomi-77.pressnewsjournal.com/teendreams-naomi/ teendreams naomi http://sanbenedetto-tronto-98.newsjournaldb.net/blog/entry/s-benedetto-tronto-hotel/ s benedetto tronto hotel http://generatore-brushless-21.newsjournaldb.net/2008/08/11/vendita-generatore-elettrogenigruppo-elettrogeno/ vendita generatore elettrogenigruppo elettrogeno http://vincenti-51.ultimatenewssite.net/wordpress/numero-vincenti-al-lotto/ numero vincenti al lotto http://kristen-58.reportdiary.net/kristen-bell-fidanzato/ kristen bell fidanzato http://ragionamento-infermieristico-82.newsjournaldb.net/2008/07/coordinatore-infermieristico/ coordinatore infermieristico http://baldwin-19.reportdiary.net/node/adam-baldwin/ adam baldwin http://risorsa-cristiane-90.newsjournaldb.net/cristianesimo-pugliese/ cristianesimo pugliese http://marco-magnano-29.newsjournaldb.net/node/vin-marco/ vin marco http://destinazione-25.newsjournaldb.net/node/cambio-destinazione-d-uso/ cambio destinazione d uso http://riparare-tapparella-41.newsjournaldb.net/riparare-errori-xp-gratis/ riparare errori xp gratis http://recovery-20.pressnewsjournal.com/2008/08/addiction-recovery-center/ addiction recovery center http://cartoni-gratis-27.newsbloggin.net/blog/entry/streep-poker-gratis/ streep poker gratis http://effetto-tridimensionali-51.infoblogonline.com effetto http://optimizer-70.ultimatenewssite.net/2008/08/upload-optimizer/ upload optimizer http://lugano-addio-27.reportdiary.net/wordpress/lugano-accompagnatrice/ lugano accompagnatrice http://piove-montale-39.newsbloggin.net piove http://soddisfare-78.ultimatenewssite.net/2008/09/01/donna-cercano-uomo-soddisfare/ donna cercano uomo soddisfare http://installa-40.pressnewsjournal.com/wordpress/installazione-braccio-tv-lcd/ installazione braccio tv lcd http://ambiente-sicuro-1.reportdiary.net/wordpress/camping-riva-nuova-martinsicuro/ camping riva nuova martinsicuro http://ricciardi-5.finance9.net/node/franco-ricciardi-it/ franco ricciardi it http://corsetto-ortopedici-96.newsjournaldb.net/wordpress/corsetto-raffaella/ corsetto raffaella http://persecuzione-3.finance9.net/rifugiato-persecuzione-politica/ rifugiato persecuzione politica http://sportivi-19.infoblogonline.com sportivi http://contenzioso-7.ultimatenewssite.net/2008/07/09/contenzioso-scuola-disciplina/ contenzioso scuola disciplina http://retriever-57.ultimatenewssite.net/2008/07/08/golden-retriever-grande-ombra/ golden retriever grande ombra http://israele-protestante-30.newsbloggin.net/2008/09/etica-protestante-weber/ etica protestante weber http://ostia-sacra-77.newsjournaldb.net/musica-sacra/ musica sacra http://centro-operativo-42.newsbloggin.net centro http://cartelli-indicativi-57.newsbloggin.net cartelli http://carson-comanche-27.infoblogonline.com/2008/08/31/carson-model-sport/ carson model sport http://masterizzatore-35.ultimatenewssite.net/node/masterizzatore-dvd-vendita/ masterizzatore dvd vendita http://checker-44.newsbloggin.net/wordpress/color-checker/ color checker http://urbana-55.finance9.net/2008/07/analisi-urbana-piacenza/ analisi urbana piacenza http://bonnie-4.ultimatenewssite.net/blog/entry/bonnie-parker-death/ bonnie parker death http://stipendio-mestiere-10.reportdiary.net/wordpress/stipendio-disegnatori-giocattolo/ stipendio disegnatori giocattolo http://ricky-23.infoblogonline.com/node/ricky-fantГЈ/ ricky fantГЈ http://grafica-vettoriale-32.newsbloggin.net grafica http://scorpioni-stilizzati-37.newsbloggin.net scorpioni http://format-82.reportdiary.net/2008/07/agenzia-formativa-tutto-europa/ agenzia formativa tutto europa http://muscolosi-1.finance9.net/wordpress/culo-muscolosi/ culo muscolosi http://direttori-12.finance9.net direttori http://bites-87.infoblogonline.com/bbc-bitesize-maths/ bbc bitesize maths http://video-ballbusters-87.pressnewsjournal.com/blog/entry/video-allieve-maliziosaresidence-mallia/ video allieve maliziosaresidence mallia http://morgan-6.reportdiary.net/2008/08/21/jp-morgan-funds/ jp morgan funds http://africa-regia-89.newsjournaldb.net africa http://grossista-56.finance9.net/2008/08/19/grossista-abbigliamento-sportivo/ grossista abbigliamento sportivo http://ernia-rettale-88.reportdiary.net/wordpress/ozono-terapia-ernia-cervicale/ ozono terapia ernia cervicale http://baccelli-98.ultimatenewssite.net/node/cesare-baccelli/ cesare baccelli http://crazy-5.newsjournaldb.net/node/crazy-frog-alex-f/ crazy frog alex f
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= Greg's Wiki =

This is Greg's (also known as ["GreyCat"]'s) wiki. It is not very big yet, but it has got a few pages which may be of interest for people doing Unix shell scripting or system administration.

The 'official' channel FAQ for [http://freenode.net freenode]'s {{{#bash}}} channel is ["BashFAQ"]. For common mistakes made by Bash programmers, see BashPitfalls. For learning bash, try the BashGuide (in progress). For general Unix issues, see DotFiles, ["Permissions"], ProcessManagement, or UsingFind.

[http://www.qmail.org qmail] users, see QmailPath and QmailRelay. They're a bit rough right now.
Miscellaneous pages: SshKeys, FtpMustDie, XyProblem.
The [http://wiki.debian.org/DebianIRC Debian wiki] has some more resources that may be useful.
To the idiot at 219.88.*.* who kept porn-spamming this page: congratulations. Because of you, I have blocked the entire /16 netblock (apparently a huge chunk of New Zealand). '''Why''' do we let idiots have dynamic IP addresses??

 Also, congratulations to greycat for blocking a whopping 65536 users out of spite just to stop one little spammer - an obviously constructive method of dealing with the fact that one's running an open wiki on a hostile network.

  And what would you do instead? Require me to activate wiki accounts by hand before letting people edit pages?

   A suggestion 1) I get a lot of mileage on my personal wiki out of blocking anonymous users from saving pages with URLs in them.

   A suggestion 2) Please install and activate ''Captchpa'' feature which would be asked before attempting to edit a page

   A suggestion 3) Require to to use ''Preview'' before page is actually posted.

   A suggestion 4) Use [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarpit_(networking) teergrube] (technique from SMTP spammer tar-pits). Accept page only after N minutes has passed since user pressed ''edit''. Say 3 minutes.

This is a [http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/ MoinMoin] wiki. Language packages have been installed for German and Spanish, but virtually all the content herein is in English.

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This wiki is powered by MoinMoin.

Greg's Wiki

This is Greg's (also known as ["GreyCat"]'s) wiki. It is not very big yet, but it has got a few pages which may be of interest for people doing Unix shell scripting or system administration.

The 'official' channel FAQ for [http://freenode.net freenode]'s #bash channel is ["BashFAQ"]. For common mistakes made by Bash programmers, see BashPitfalls. For learning bash, try the BashGuide (in progress). For general Unix issues, see DotFiles, ["Permissions"], ProcessManagement, or UsingFind.

[http://www.qmail.org qmail] users, see QmailPath and QmailRelay. They're a bit rough right now.

Miscellaneous pages: SshKeys, FtpMustDie, XyProblem.

The [http://wiki.debian.org/DebianIRC Debian wiki] has some more resources that may be useful.

To the idiot at 219.88.*.* who kept porn-spamming this page: congratulations. Because of you, I have blocked the entire /16 netblock (apparently a huge chunk of New Zealand). Why do we let idiots have dynamic IP addresses??

  • Also, congratulations to greycat for blocking a whopping 65536 users out of spite just to stop one little spammer - an obviously constructive method of dealing with the fact that one's running an open wiki on a hostile network.
    • And what would you do instead? Require me to activate wiki accounts by hand before letting people edit pages?
      • A suggestion 1) I get a lot of mileage on my personal wiki out of blocking anonymous users from saving pages with URLs in them.

        A suggestion 2) Please install and activate Captchpa feature which would be asked before attempting to edit a page

        A suggestion 3) Require to to use Preview before page is actually posted.

        A suggestion 4) Use [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarpit_(networking) teergrube] (technique from SMTP spammer tar-pits). Accept page only after N minutes has passed since user pressed edit. Say 3 minutes.

This is a [http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/ MoinMoin] wiki. Language packages have been installed for German and Spanish, but virtually all the content herein is in English.

Generic wiki stuff:

How to use this site

A Wiki is a collaborative site, anyone can contribute and share:

  • Edit any page by pressing GetText(Edit) at the top or the bottom of the page

  • Create a link to another page with joined capitalized words (like WikiSandBox) or with ["quoted words in brackets"]

  • Search for page titles or text within pages using the search box at the top of any page
  • See HelpForBeginners to get you going, HelpContents for all help pages.

To learn more about what a WikiWikiWeb is, read about WhyWikiWorks and the WikiNature. Also, consult the WikiWikiWebFaq.

This wiki is powered by MoinMoin.

EnglishFrontPage (last edited 2023-11-18 22:20:18 by ormaaj)