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Editor: Lhunath
Comment: Going to make a concise cheat sheet for bash usage. Just a handful of builtins for now.
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= Concise Bash Features and Syntax Sheet =

 '''Work in progress'''
= Bash Reference Sheet =

= Syntax =

 * ''[word]'' `[space]` ''[word]''
   . '''Spaces separate words'''. In bash, a ''word'' is a group of characters that belongs together. Examples are command names and arguments to commands. To put spaces inside an argument (or ''word''), quote the argument (see next point) with single or double quotes.
 * ''[command]'' `;` ''[command]'' `[newline]`
   . '''Semi-colons and newlines separate synchronous commands''' from each other. Use a semi-colon ''or'' a new line to end a command and begin a new one. The first command will be executed synchronously, which means that Bash will wait for it to end before running the next command.
 * ''[command]'' `&` ''[command]''
   . '''Ampersands separate asynchronous commands'''. An ampersand does the same thing as a semicolon or newline in that it separates commands, but it causes Bash to execute the first command asynchronously, which means that Bash will run it in the background and run the next command immediately after, before waiting for the former to end.
 * `'` ''[Single quoted string]'' `'`
   . '''Disables syntactical meaning of all characters''' inside the string. Whenever you want literal strings in your code, it's good practice to wrap them in single quotes so you don't run the risk of accidentally using a character that also has a syntactical meaning to Bash.
 * `"` ''[Double quoted string]'' `"`
   . '''Disables syntactical meaning of all characters except expansions''' inside the string. Use this form instead of single quotes if you need to expand a parameter or command substitution into your string.
   . '''Remember''': It's important to always wrap your expansions (`"$var"` or `"$(command)"`) in double quotes. This will, in turn, safely disable meaning of syntactical characters that may occur inside the expanded result.

= Basic Structures =
See BashSheet#Examples:_Basic_Structures for some examples of the syntax below.

== Compound Commands ==
Compound commands are statements that can execute several commands but are considered as a sort of command group by Bash.

=== Command Lists ===
 * `{` ''[command list]''; `}`
   . '''Execute the list of commands in the current shell as though they were one command'''.
   . Command grouping on its own isn't very useful. However, it comes into play wherever Bash syntax accepts only one command while you need to execute multiple. For example, you may want to pass output of multiple commands via a pipe to another command's input:
   . `{ cmd1; cmd2; } | cmd3`
   . Or you may want to execute multiple commands after a `||` operator:
   . `rm file || { echo "Removal failed, aborting."; exit 1; }`
   . It is also used for function bodies. Technically, this can also be used for loop bodies though this is '''undocumented''', '''not portable''' and we normally prefer `do ...; done` for this):
   . `for digit in 1 9 7; { echo "$digit"; } # non-portable, undocumented, unsupported`
   . `for digit in 1 9 7; do echo "$digit"; done # preferred`
   . Note: You '''need''' a `;` before the closing `}` (or it must be on a new line).
 * `(` ''[command list]'' `)`
   . '''Execute the list of commands in a subshell'''.
   . This is exactly the same thing as the command grouping above, only, the commands are executed in a subshell. Any code that affects the environment such as variable assignments, `cd`, `export`, etc. do not affect the main script's environment but are scoped within the brackets.
   . Note: You '''do not''' need a `;` before the closing `)`.
 * `$(` ''[command list]'' `)`, {{{`}}} ''[command list]'' {{{`}}}
   . '''Command Substitution captures the output of a command and expands it inline'''. We only use command substitution inside other commands when we want the output of one command to become part of another command. An ancient and ill-advised alternative syntax for command substitution is the back-quote: {{{`command`}}}. This syntax does not nest well and it's too easily confused with quotes (back-quotes have nothing to do with quoting!). Avoid this syntax and replace it with `$(command)` when you find it.

=== Expressions ===
 * `((` ''[arithmetic expression]'' `))`
   . '''Evaluates the given ''expression'' in an arithmetic context'''.
   . That means, strings are considered names of integer variables, all operators are considered arithmetic operators (such as `++`, `==`, `>`, `<=`, etc..) You should always use this for performing tests on numbers!
 * `$((` ''[arithmetic expression]'' `))`
   . '''Expands the result of the given ''expression'' in an arithmetic context'''.
   . This syntax is similar to the previous, but expands into the result of the expansion. We use it inside other commands when we want the result of the arithmetic expression to become part of another command.
 * `[[` ''[test expression]'' `]]`
   . '''Evaluates the given ''expression'' as a `test`-compatible expression'''.
   . All `test` operators are supported but you can also perform ''Glob pattern matching'' and several other more advanced tests. It is good to note that word splitting will '''not''' take place on unquoted parameter expansions here. You should always use this for performing tests on strings and filenames!

=== Loops ===
If you're new to loops or are looking for more details, explanation and/or examples of their usage, go read [[BashGuide/TestsAndConditionals#Conditional_Loops_.28while.2C_until_and_for.29|the BashGuide's section on Conditional Loops]].

 * `do` ''[command list]''`; done`
  . '''This constitutes the actual loop that is used by the next few commands'''. <<BR>>The list of commands between the `do` and `done` are the commands that will be executed in every iteration of the loop.
 * `for` ''[name]'' `in` ''[words]''
  . '''The next loop will iterate over each ''WORD'' after the `in` keyword'''. <<BR>>The loop's commands will be executed with the value of the variable denoted by `name` set to the word.
 * `for ((` ''[arithmetic expression]''`;` ''[arithmetic expression]''`;` ''[arithmetic expression]'' `))`
  . '''The next loop will run as long as the second ''arithmetic expression'' remains ''true'''''. <<BR>>The first ''arithmetic expression'' will be run before the loop starts. The third ''arithmetic expression'' will be run after the last command in each iteration has been executed.
 * `while` ''[command list]''
  . '''The next loop will be repeated for as long as the last command ran in the ''command list'' exits successfully'''.
 * `until` ''[command list]''
  . '''The next loop will be repeated for as long as the last command ran in the ''command list'' exits unsuccessfully ("fails")'''.
 * `select` ''[name]'' `in` ''[words]''
  . '''The next loop will repeat forever, letting the user choose between the given words'''.
   . <<BR>>The iteration's commands are executed with the variable denoted by `name`'s value set to the word chosen by the user. Naturally, you can use `break` to end this loop.
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 * `:` or `true`: These commands do nothing at all. They are ''NOP''s that always return successfully.
 * `false`: The same as above, except that the command always "fails". It returns an exit code of `1` indicating failure.

 * `alias`: Sets up a Bash alias, or print the bash alias with the given name.
   Aliasses replace a word in the beginning of a command by something else. They only work in interactive shells (not scripts).
 * `cd`: Changes the current directory to the given path. If the path doesn't start with a slash, it is relative to the current directory.

 * `.` ''or'' `source`: Makes Bash read the filename given as first argument and execute its contents in the current shell (kind of like `include` in other languages). If more arguments are given than just a filename to `source`, those arguments are set as the positional parameters during the execution of the sourced code.
   If the filename to source has no slash in it, PATH is searched for it.

 * `bg`: Send the previous job (or job denoted by the given argument) to run in the background. (The shell continues to run while the job is running. The shell's input is handled by itself, not the job.)
 * `fg`: Send the previous job (or job denoted by the given argument) to run in the foreground. (The shell waits for the job to end and the job can receive the input from the shell.)

 * `break`: Break out of the current loop. When more than one loop is active, break out the last one declared. When a ''number'' is given as argument to `break`, break out of ''number'' loops, starting with the last one declared.
 * `continue`: Skip the code that is left in the current loop and start a new iteration of that loop. Just like with `break`, a ''number'' may be given to skip out more loops.
Builtins are commands that perform a certain function that has been compiled into Bash. Understandably, they are also the only types of commands (other than those above) that can modify the Bash shell's environment.

=== Dummies ===
 * `true` (or `:`): '''These commands do nothing at all'''.
  . They are ''NOP''s that always return successfully.
 * `false`: '''The same as above, except that the command always "fails"'''.
  . It returns an exit code of `1` indicating failure.

=== Declarative ===
 * `alias`: '''Sets up a Bash alias''', or print the bash alias with the given name.
  . Aliasses replace a word in the beginning of a command by something else. They only work in interactive shells (not scripts).
 * `declare` (or `typeset`): '''Assign a value to a variable'''.
  . Each argument is a new variable assignment. Each argument's part before the equal sign is the name of the variable, and after comes the data of the variable. Options to declare can be used to toggle special variable flags (like __r__ead-only/e__x__port/__i__nteger/__a__rray).
 * `export`: '''Export the given variable to the environment''' so that child processes inherit it.
  . This is the same as `declare -x`. Remember that for the child process, the variable is not the same as the one you exported. It just holds the same data. Which means, you can't change the variable data and expect it to change in the parent process, too.
 * `local`: '''Declare a variable to have a scope limited to the current function'''.
  . As soon as the function exits, the variable disappears. Assigning to it in a function also doesn't change a global variable with the same name, should one exist. The same options as taken by `declare` can be passed to `local`.
 * `type`: '''Show the type of the command name specified as argument'''.
  . The type can be either: ''alias'', ''keyword'', ''function'', ''builtin'', or ''file''.

=== Input ===
 * `read`: '''Read a line ''(unless the `-d` option is used to change the delimiter from ''newline'' to something else)'' and put it in the variables denoted by the arguments given to `read`'''.
  . If more than one variable name is given, split the line up using the characters in `IFS` as delimiters. If less variable names are given than there are split chunks in the line, the last variable gets all data left unsplit.

=== Output ===
 * `echo`: '''Output each argument given to `echo` on one line, separated by a single space'''.
  . The first arguments can be options that toggle special behaviour (like __n__o newline at end/evaluate __e__scape sequences).
 * `printf`: '''Use the first argument as a format specifier of how to output the other arguments'''.
  . See `help printf`.
 * `pwd`: '''Output the absolute pathname of the current working directory'''.
  . You can use the `-P` option to make `pwd` resolve any symlinks in the pathname.

=== Execution ===
 * `cd`: '''Changes the current directory to the given path'''.
  . If the path doesn't start with a slash, it is relative to the current directory.
 * `command`: '''Run the first argument as a command'''.
  . This tells Bash to skip looking for an alias, function or keyword by that name; and instead assume the command name is a builtin, or a program in `PATH`.
 * `.` ''or'' `source`: '''Makes Bash read the filename given as first argument and execute its contents in the current shell'''.
  . This is kind of like `include` in other languages. If more arguments are given than just a filename to `source`, those arguments are set as the positional parameters during the execution of the sourced code. If the filename to source has no slash in it, `PATH` is searched for it.
 * `exec`: '''Run the command given as first argument and replace the current shell with it'''.
  . Other arguments are passed to the command as its arguments. If no arguments are given to exec but you do specify ''Redirections'' on the exec command, the redirections will be applied to the current shell.
 * `exit`: '''End the execution of the current script'''.
  . If an argument is given, it is the exit status of the current script (an integer between 0 and 255).
 * `logout`: '''End the execution of a ''login'' shell'''.
 * `return`: '''End the execution of the current ''function'''''.
  . An exit status may be specified just like with the `exit` builtin.
 * `ulimit`: '''Modify resource limitations of the current shell's process'''.
  . These limits are inherited by child processes.

=== Jobs/Processes ===
 * `jobs`: '''List the current shell's active jobs'''.
 * `bg`: '''Send the previous job ''(or job denoted by the given argument)'' to run in the background'''.
  . The shell continues to run while the job is running. The shell's input is handled by itself, not the job.
 * `fg`: '''Send the previous job ''(or job denoted by the given argument)'' to run in the foreground'''.
  . The shell waits for the job to end and the job can receive the input from the shell.
 * `kill`: '''Send a signal(3) to a process or job'''.
  . As argument, give the process ID of the process or the ''jobspec'' of the job you want to send the signal to.
 * `trap`: '''Handle a signal(3) sent to the current shell'''.
  . The code that is in the first argument is executed whenever a signal is received denoted by any of the other arguments to `trap`.
 * `suspend`: '''Stops the execution of the current shell until it receives a ''SIGCONT'' signal'''.
  . This is much like what happens when the shell receives a ''SIGSTOP'' signal.
 * `wait`: '''Stops the execution of the current shell until active jobs have finished'''.
  . In arguments, you can specify which jobs (by ''jobspec'') or processes (by ''PID'') to wait for.

=== Conditionals And Loops ===
 * `break`: '''Break out of the current loop'''.
  . When more than one loop is active, break out the last one declared. When a ''number'' is given as argument to `break`, break out of ''number'' loops, starting with the last one declared.
 * `continue`: '''Skip the code that is left in the current loop''' and start a new iteration of that loop.
  . Just like with `break`, a ''number'' may be given to skip out more loops.

=== Script Arguments ===
 * `set`: '''The `set` command normally sets various ''Shell options'', but can also set ''Positional parameters'''''.
  . ''Shell options'' are options that can be passed to the shell, such as `bash -x` or `bash -e`. `set` toggles shell options like this: `set -x`, `set +x`, `set -e`, ... ''Positional parameters'' are parameters that hold arguments that were passed to the script or shell, such as `bash myscript -foo /bar`. `set` assigns positional parameters like this: `set -- -foo /bar`.
 * `shift`: '''Moves all positional parameters' values one parameter back'''.
  . This way, values that were in `$1` are discarted, values from `$2` go into `$1`, values from `$3` go into `$2`, and so on. You can specify an argument to shift which is an integer that specifies how many times to repeat this shift.
 * `getopts`: '''Puts an option specified in the arguments in a variable'''.
  . `getopts` Uses the first argument as a specification for which options to look for in the arguments. It then takes the first option in the arguments that is mentioned in this option specification (or next option, if getopts has been ran before), and puts this option in the variable denoted by the name in the second argument to `getopts`. This command is pretty much always used in a '''loop''':
while getopts abc opt
   case $opt in
      a) ...;;
      b) ...;;
      c) ...;;
  This way all options in the arguments are parsed and when they are either `-a`, `-b` or `-c`, the respective code in the `case` statement is executed. Following short style is also valid for specifying multiple options in the arguments that `getopts` parses: `-ac`.

= Tests =
If you're new to bash, don't fully understand what commands and exit codes are or want some details, explanation and/or examples on testing commands, strings or files, go read [[BashGuide/TestsAndConditionals|the BashGuide's section on Tests and Conditionals]].

== Exit Codes ==
An ''Exit Code'' or ''Exit Status'' is an unsigned 8-bit integer returned by a command that indicates how its execution went. It is agreed that an ''Exit Code'' of `0` indicates the command was successful at what it was supposed to do. Any other ''Exit Code'' indicates that something went wrong. Applications can choose for themselves what number indicates what went wrong; so refer to the manual of the application to find out what the application's ''Exit Code'' means.

=== Testing The Exit Code ===
 * `if` ''[command list]''`; then` ''[command list]''`; elif` ''[command list]''`; then` ''[command list]''`; else` ''[command list]''`; fi`
  . '''The `if` command tests whether the last command in the first ''command list'' had an exit code of `0`'''. <<BR>>If so, it executes the ''command list'' that follows the `then`. If not, the next `elif` is tried in the same manner. If no `elif`s are present, the ''command list'' following `else` is executed, unless there is no `else` statement. To summarize, `if` executes a list of *command*s. It tests the exit code. On success, the `then` commands are executed. `elif` and `else` parts are optional. The `fi` part ends the entire `if` block (don't forget it!).
 * `while` ''[command list]'', and `until` ''[command list]''
  . '''Execute the next iteration depending on the exit code of the last command in the ''command list'''''. <<BR>>We've discussed these before, but it's worth repeating them in this section, as they actually do the same thing as the `if` statement; except that they execute a loop for as long as the tested exit code is respectively `0` or `non-0`.

== Patterns ==
Bash knows two types of patterns. ''Glob Patterns'' is the most important, most used and best readable one. Later versions of Bash also support the ''"trendy"'' ''Regular Expressions''. However, it is ill-advised to use regular expressions in scripts unless you have absolutely no other choice or the advantages of using them are far greater than when using globs. Generally speaking, if you need a regular expression, you'll be using `awk(1)`, `sed(1)`, or `grep(1)` instead of Bash.

If you're new to bash or want some details, explanation and/or examples on pattern matching, go read [[BashGuide/Patterns|the BashGuide's section on Patterns]].

=== Glob Syntax ===
 * `?`: '''A question mark matches any character'''.
  . That is one single character.
 * `*`: '''A star matches any amount of any characters'''.
  . That is zero or more of whatever characters.
 * `[`''...''`]`: '''This matches *one of* any of the characters inside the braces'''.
  . That is one character that is mentioned inside the braces.
   * `[abc]`: '''Matches either `a`, `b`, or `c` but not the string `abc`'''.
   * `[a-c]`: '''The dash tells Bash to use a range'''.
    . Matches any character between (inclusive) `a` and `c`. So this is the same thing as the example just above.
   * `[!a-c]` or `[^a-c]`: '''The `!` or `^` in the beginning tells Bash to invert the match'''.
    . Matches any character that is *not* `a`, `b` or `c`. That means any other letter, but *also* a number, a period, a comma, or any other character you can think of.
   * `[[:digit:]]`: '''The `[:`''class''`:]` syntax tells Bash to use a character class'''.
    . Character classes are groups of characters that are predefined and named for convenience. You can use the following classes:
    `alnum`, `alpha`, `ascii`, `blank`, `cntrl`, `digit`, `graph`, `lower`, `print`, `punct`, `space`, `upper`, `word`, `xdigit`

=== Testing Patterns ===
 * `[[` ''[string]'' `=` ''[glob pattern]'' `]]`, or `[[` ''[string%f how to output the other arguments'''.
  . See `help printf`.
 * `pwd`: '''Output the absolute pathname of the current working directory'''.
  . You can use the `-P` option to make `pwd` resolve any symlinks in the pathname.

=== Execution ===
 * `cd`: '''Changes the current directory to the given path'''.
  . If the path doesn't start with a slash, it is relative to the current directory.
 * `command`: '''Run the first argument as a command'''.
  . This tells Bash to skip looking for an alias, function or keyword by that name; and instead assume the command name is a builtin, or a program in `PATH`.
 * `.` ''or'' `source`: '''Makes Bash read the filename given as first argument and execute its contents in the current shell'''.
  . This is kind of like `include` in other languages. If more arguments are given than just a filename to `source`, those arguments are set as the positional parameters during the execution of the sourced code. If the filename to source has no slash in it, `PATH` is searched for it.
 * `exec`: '''Run the command given as first argument and replace the current shell with it'''.
  . Other arguments are passed to the command as its arguments. If no arguments are given to exec but you do specify ''Redirections'' on the exec command, the redirections will be applied to the current shell.
 * `exit`: '''End the execution of the current script'''.
  . If an argument is given, it is the exit status of the current script (an integer between 0 and 255).
 * `logout`: '''End the execution of a ''login'' shell'''.
 * `return`: '''End the execution of the current ''function'''''.
  . An exit status may be specified just like with the `exit` builtin.
 * `ulimit`: '''Modify resource limitations of the current shell's process'''.
  . These limits are inherited by child processes.

=== Jobs/Processes ===
 * `jobs`: '''List the current shell's active jobs'''.
 * `bg`: '''Send the previous job ''(or job denoted by the given argument)'' to run in the background'''.
  . The shell continues to run while the job is running. The shell's input is handled by itself, not the job.
 * `fg`: '''Send the previous job ''(or job denoted by the given argument)'' to run in the foreground'''.
  . The shell waits for the job to end and the job can receive the input from the shell.
 * `kill`: '''Send a signal(3) to a process or job'''.
  . As argument, give the process ID of the process or the ''jobspec'' of the job you want to send the signal to.
 * `trap`: '''Handle a signal(3) sent to the current shell'''.
  . The code that is in the first argument is executed whenever a signal is received denoted by any of the other arguments to `trap`.
 * `suspend`: '''Stops the execution of the current shell until it receives a ''SIGCONT'' signal'''.
  . This is much like what happens when the shell receives a ''SIGSTOP'' signal.
 * `wait`: '''Stops the execution of the current shell until active jobs have finished'''.
  . In arguments, you can specify which jobs (by ''jobspec'') or processes (by ''PID'') to wait for.

=== Conditionals And Loops ===
 * `break`: '''Break out of the current loop'''.
  . When more than one loop is active, break out the last one declared. When a ''number'' is given as argument to `break`, break out of ''number'' loops, starting with the last one declared.
 * `continue`: '''Skip the code that is left in the current loop''' and start a new iteration of that loop.
  . Just like with `break`, a ''number'' may be given to skip out more loops.

=== Script Arguments ===
 * `set`: '''The `set` command normally sets various ''Shell options'', but can also set ''Positional parameters'''''.
  . ''Shell options'' are options that can be passed to the shell, such as `bash -x` or `bash -e`. `set` toggles shell options like this: `set -x`, `set +x`, `set -e`, ... ''Positional parameters'' are parameters that hold arguments that were passed to the script or shell, such as `bash myscript -foo /bar`. `set` assigns positional parameters like this: `set -- -foo /bar`.
 * `shift`: '''Moves all positional parameters' values one parameter back'''.
  . This way, values that were in `$1` are discarted, values from `$2` go into `$1`, values from `$3` go into `$2`, and so on. You can specify an argument to shift which is an integer that specifies how many times to repeat this shift.
 * `getopts`: '''Puts an option specified in the arguments in a variable'''.
  . `getopts` Uses the first argument as a specification for which options to look for in the arguments. It then takes the first option in the arguments that is mentioned in this option specification (or next option, if getopts has been ran before), and puts this option in the variable denoted by the name in the second argument to `getopts`. This command is pretty much always used in a '''loop''':
while getopts abc opt
   case $opt in
      a) ...;;
      b) ...;;
      c) ...;;
  This way all options in the arguments are parsed and when they are either `-a`, `-b` or `-c`, the respective code in the `case` statement is executed. Following short style is also valid for specifying multiple options in the arguments that `getopts` parses: `-ac`.

= Tests =
If you're new to bash, don't fully understand what commands and exit codes are or want some details, explanation and/or examples on testing commands, strings or files, go read [[BashGuide/TestsAndConditionals|the BashGuide's section on Tests and Conditionals]].

== Exit Codes ==
An ''Exit Code'' or ''Exit Status'' is an unsigned 8-bit integer returned by a command that indicates how its execution went. It is agreed that an ''Exit Code'' of `0` indicates the command was successful at what it was supposed to do. Any other ''Exit Code'' indicates that something went wrong. Applications can choose for themselves what number indicates what went wrong; so refer to the manual of the application to find out what the application's ''Exit Code'' means.

=== Testing The Exit Code ===
 * `if` ''[command list]''`; then` ''[command list]''`; elif` ''[command list]''`; then` ''[command list]''`; else` ''[command list]''`; fi`
  . '''The `if` command tests whether the last command in the first ''command list'' had an exit code of `0`'''. <<BR>>If so, it executes the ''command list'' that follows the `then`. If not, the next `elif` is tried in the same manner. If no `elif`s are present, the ''command list'' following `else` is executed, unless there is no `else` statement. To summarize, `if` executes a list of *command*s. It tests the exit code. On success, the `then` commands are executed. `elif` and `else` parts are optional. The `fi` part ends the entire `if` block (don't forget it!).
 * `while` ''[command list]'', and `until` ''[command list]''
  . '''Execute the next iteration depending on the exit code of the last command in the ''command list'''''. <<BR>>We've discussed these before, but it's worth repeating them in this section, as they actually do the same thing as the `if` statement; except that they execute a loop for as long as the tested exit code is respectively `0` or `non-0`.

== Patterns ==
Bash knows two types of patterns. ''Glob Patterns'' is the most important, most used and best readable one. Later versions of Bash also support the ''"trendy"'' ''Regular Expressions''. However, it is ill-advised to use regular expressions in scripts unless you have absolutely no other choice or the advantages of using them are far greater than when using globs. Generally speaking, if you need a regular expression, you'll be using `awk(1)`, `sed(1)`, or `grep(1)` instead of Bash.

If you're new to bash or want some details, explanation and/or examples on pattern matching, go read [[BashGuide/Patterns|the BashGuide's section on Patterns]].

=== Glob Syntax ===
 * `?`: '''A question mark matches any character'''.
  . That is one single character.
 * `*`: '''A star matches any amount of any characters'''.
  . That is zero or more of whatever characters.
 * `[`''...''`]`: '''This matches *one of* any of the characters inside the braces'''.
  . That is one character that is mentioned inside the braces.
   * `[abc]`: '''Matches either `a`, `b`, or `c` but not the string `abc`'''.
   * `[a-c]`: '''The dash tells Bash to use a range'''.
    . Matches any character between (inclusive) `a` and `c`. So this is the same thing as the example just above.
   * `[!a-c]` or `[^a-c]`: '''The `!` or `^` in the beginning tells Bash to invert the match'''.
    . Matches any character that is *not* `a`, `b` or `c`. That means any other letter, but *also* a number, a period, a comma, or any other character you can think of.
   * `[[:digit:]]`: '''The `[:`''class''`:]` syntax tells Bash to use a character class'''.
    . Character classes are groups of characters that are predefined and named for convenience. You can use the following classes:
    `alnum`, `alpha`, `ascii`, `blank`, `cntrl`, `digit`, `graph`, `lower`, `print`, `punct`, `space`, `upper`, `word`, `xdigit`

=== Testing Patterns ===
 * `[[` ''[string]'' `=` ''[glob pattern]'' `]]`, or `[[` ''[string]'' `=~` ''[regular expression]'' `]]`:
  . '''The `[[` command is an improved version of the commonly used `[` or `test` command'''. <<BR>>`[` and `test` are commands you often see in `sh` scripts to perform tests on files, strings and numbers. `[[` can do all these things (but better) and it also provides you with ''Glob Pattern'' matching. This syntax causes `[[` to return a successful exit code (`0`) when the given ''string'' matches the given ''glob pattern'', or the given ''regular expression'' with the second syntax.
 * `case` ''[string]'' `in` ''[glob pattern]''`)` ''[command list]''`;;` ''[glob pattern]''`)` ''[command list]''`;;` `esac`:
  . '''Using `case` is handy if you want to test a certain string that could match either of several different glob patterns'''. <<BR>>The ''command list'' that follows the *first* ''glob pattern'' that matched your ''string'' will be executed. You can specify as many ''glob pattern'' and ''command lists'' combos as you need.

= Parameters =
Parameters are what Bash uses to store your script data in. There are ''Special Parameters'' and ''Variables''.

Any parameters you create will be variables, since special parameters are read-only parameters managed by Bash. It is recommended you use lower-case names for your own parameters so as not to confuse them with the all-uppercase variable names used by Bash internal variables and environment variables. It is also recommended you use clear and transparent names for your variables. Avoid `x`, `i`, `t`, `tmp`, `foo`, etc. Instead, use the variable name to describe the kind of data the variable is supposed to hold.

It is also important that you understand the need for quoting. Generally speaking, whenever you use a parameter, you should quote it: `echo "The file is in: $filePath"`. If you don't, bash will tear the contents of your parameter to bits, delete all the whitespace from it, and feed the bits as arguments to the command. Yes, Bash mutilates your parameter expansions by default - it's called ''Word Splitting'' - so use quotes to prevent this. <<BR>>The exception is ''keywords'' and ''assignment''. After ''`myvar=`'' and inside ''`[[`'', ''`case`'', etc, you don't ''need'' the quotes, but they won't do any harm either - so if you're unsure: quote!

f how to output the other arguments'''.
  . See `help printf`.
 * `pwd`: '''Output the absolute pathname of the current working directory'''.
  . You can use the `-P` option to make `pwd` resolve any symlinks in the pathname.

=== Execution ===
 * `cd`: '''Changes the current directory to the given path'''.
  . If the path doesn't start with a slash, it is relative to the current directory.
 * `command`: '''Run the first argument as a command'''.
  . This tells Bash to skip looking for an alias, function or keyword by that name; and instead assume the command name is a builtin, or a program in `PATH`.
 * `.` ''or'' `source`: '''Makes Bash read the filename given as first argument and execute its contents in the current shell'''.
  . This is kind of like `include` in other languages. If more arguments are given than just a filename to `source`, those arguments are set as the positional parameters during the execution of the sourced code. If the filename to source has no slash in it, `PATH` is searched for it.
 * `exec`: '''Run the command given as first argument and replace the current shell with it'''.
  . Other arguments are passed to the command as its arguments. If no arguments are given to exec but you do specify ''Redirections'' on the exec command, the redirections will be applied to the current shell.
 * `exit`: '''End the execution of the current script'''.
  . If an argument is given, it is the exit status of the current script (an integer between 0 and 255).
 * `logout`: '''End the execution of a ''login'' shell'''.
 * `return`: '''End the execution of the current ''function'''''.
  . An exit status may be specified just like with the `exit` builtin.
 * `ulimit`: '''Modify resource limitations of the current shell's process'''.
  . These limits are inherited by child processes.

=== Jobs/Processes ===
 * `jobs`: '''List the current shell's active jobs'''.
 * `bg`: '''Send the previous job ''(or job denoted by the given argument)'' to run in the background'''.
  . The shell continues to run while the job is running. The shell's input is handled by itself, not the job.
 * `fg`: '''Send the previous job ''(or job denoted by the given argument)'' to run in the foreground'''.
  . The shell waits for the job to end and the job can receive the input from the shell.
 * `kill`: '''Send a signal(3) to a process or job'''.
  . As argument, give the process ID of the process or the ''jobspec'' of the job you want to send the signal to.
 * `trap`: '''Handle a signal(3) sent to the current shell'''.
  . The code that is in the first argument is executed whenever a signal is received denoted by any of the other arguments to `trap`.
 * `suspend`: '''Stops the execution of the current shell until it receives a ''SIGCONT'' signal'''.
  . This is much like what happens when the shell receives a ''SIGSTOP'' signal.
 * `wait`: '''Stops the execution of the current shell until active jobs have finished'''.
  . In arguments, you can specify which jobs (by ''jobspec'') or processes (by ''PID'') to wait for.

=== Conditionals And Loops ===
 * `break`: '''Break out of the current loop'''.
  . When more than one loop is active, break out the last one declared. When a ''number'' is given as argument to `break`, break out of ''number'' loops, starting with the last one declared.
 * `continue`: '''Skip the code that is left in the current loop''' and start a new iteration of that loop.
  . Just like with `break`, a ''number'' may be given to skip out more loops.

=== Script Arguments ===
 * `set`: '''The `set` command normally sets various ''Shell options'', but can also set ''Positional parameters'''''.
  . ''Shell options'' are options that can be passed to the shell, such as `bash -x` or `bash -e`. `set` toggles shell options like this: `set -x`, `set +x`, `set -e`, ... ''Positional parameters'' are parameters that hold arguments that were passed to the script or shell, such as `bash myscript -foo /bar`. `set` assigns positional parameters like this: `set -- -foo /bar`.
 * `shift`: '''Moves all positional parameters' values one parameter back'''.
  . This way, values that were in `$1` are discarted, values from `$2` go into `$1`, values from `$3` go into `$2`, and so on. You can specify an argument to shift which is an integer that specifies how many times to repeat this shift.
 * `getopts`: '''Puts an option specified in the arguments in a variable'''.
  . `getopts` Uses the first argument as a specification for which options to look for in the arguments. It then takes the first option in the arguments that is mentioned in this option specification (or next option, if getopts has been ran before), and puts this option in the variable denoted by the name in the second argument to `getopts`. This command is pretty much always used in a '''loop''':
while getopts abc opt
   case $opt in
      a) ...;;
      b) ...;;
      c) ...;;
  This way all options in the arguments are parsed and when they are either `-a`, `-b` or `-c`, the respective code in the `case` statement is executed. Following short style is also valid for specifying multiple options in the arguments that `getopts` parses: `-ac`.

= Tests =
If you're new to bash, don't fully understand what commands and exit codes are or want some details, explanation and/or examples on testing commands, strings or files, go read [[BashGuide/TestsAndConditionals|the BashGuide's section on Tests and Conditionals]].

== Exit Codes ==
An ''Exit Code'' or ''Exit Status'' is an unsigned 8-bit integer returned by a command that indicates how its execution went. It is agreed that an ''Exit Code'' of `0` indicates the command was successful at what it was supposed to do. Any other ''Exit Code'' indicates that something went wrong. Applications can choose for themselves what number indicates what went wrong; so refer to the manual of the application to find out what the application's ''Exit Code'' means.

=== Testing The Exit Code ===
 * `if` ''[command list]''`; then` ''[command list]''`; elif` ''[command list]''`; then` ''[command list]''`; else` ''[command list]''`; fi`
  . '''The `if` command tests whether the last command in the first ''command list'' had an exit code of `0`'''. <<BR>>If so, it executes the ''command list'' that follows the `then`. If not, the next `elif` is tried in the same manner. If no `elif`s are present, the ''command list'' following `else` is executed, unless there is no `else` statement. To summarize, `if` executes a list of *command*s. It tests the exit code. On success, the `then` commands are executed. `elif` and `else` parts are optional. The `fi` part ends the entire `if` block (don't forget it!).
 * `while` ''[command list]'', and `until` ''[command list]''
  . '''Execute the next iteration depending on the exit code of the last command in the ''command list'''''. <<BR>>We've discussed these before, but it's worth repeating them in this section, as they actually do the same thing as the `if` statement; except that they execute a loop for as long as the tested exit code is respectively `0` or `non-0`.

== Patterns ==
Bash knows two types of patterns. ''Glob Patterns'' is the most important, most used and best readable one. Later versions of Bash also support the ''"trendy"'' ''Regular Expressions''. However, it is ill-advised to use regular expressions in scripts unless you have absolutely no other choice or the advantages of using them are far greater than when using globs. Generally speaking, if you need a regular expression, you'll be using `awk(1)`, `sed(1)`, or `grep(1)` instead of Bash.

If you're new to bash or want some details, explanation and/or examples on pattern matching, go read [[BashGuide/Patterns|the BashGuide's section on Patterns]].

=== Glob Syntax ===
 * `?`: '''A question mark matches any character'''.
  . That is one single character.
 * `*`: '''A star matches any amount of any characters'''.
  . That is zero or more of whatever characters.
 * `[`''...''`]`: '''This matches *one of* any of the characters inside the braces'''.
  . That is one character that is mentioned inside the braces.
   * `[abc]`: '''Matches either `a`, `b`, or `c` but not the string `abc`'''.
   * `[a-c]`: '''The dash tells Bash to use a range'''.
    . Matches any character between (inclusive) `a` and `c`. So this is the same thing as the example just above.
   * `[!a-c]` or `[^a-c]`: '''The `!` or `^` in the beginning tells Bash to invert the match'''.
    . Matches any character that is *not* `a`, `b` or `c`. That means any other letter, but *also* a number, a period, a comma, or any other character you can think of.
   * `[[:digit:]]`: '''The `[:`''class''`:]` syntax tells Bash to use a character class'''.
    . Character classes are groups of characters that are predefined and named for convenience. You can use the following classes:
    `alnum`, `alpha`, `ascii`, `blank`, `cntrl`, `digit`, `graph`, `lower`, `print`, `punct`, `space`, `upper`, `word`, `xdigit`

=== Testing Patterns ===
 * `[[` ''[string]'' `=` ''[glob pattern]'' `]]`, or `[[` ''[string]'' `=~` ''[regular expression]'' `]]`:
  . '''The `[[` command is an improved version of the commonly used `[` or `test` command'''. <<BR>>`[` and `test` are commands you often see in `sh` scripts to perform tests on files, strings and numbers. `[[` can do all these things (but better) and it also provides you with ''Glob Pattern'' matching. This syntax causes `[[` to return a successful exit code (`0`) when the given ''string'' matches the given ''glob pattern'', or the given ''regular expression'' with the second syntax.
 * `case` ''[string]'' `in` ''[glob pattern]''`)` ''[command list]''`;;` ''[glob pattern]''`)` ''[command list]''`;;` `esac`:
  . '''Using `case` is handy if you want to test a certain string that could match either of several different glob patterns'''. <<BR>>The ''command list'' that follows the *first* ''glob pattern'' that matched your ''string'' will be executed. You can specify as many ''glob pattern'' and ''command lists'' combos as you need.

= Parameters =
Parameters are what Bash uses to store your script data in. There are ''Special Parameters'' and ''Variables''.

Any parameters you create will be variables, since special parameters are read-only parameters managed by Bash. It is recommended you use lower-case names for your own parameters so as not to confuse them with the all-uppercase variable names used by Bash internal variables and environment variables. It is also recommended you use clear and transparent names for your variables. Avoid `x`, `i`, `t`, `tmp`, `foo`, etc. Instead, use the variable name to describe the kind of data the variable is supposed to hold.

It is also important that you understand the need for quoting. Generally speaking, whenever you use a parameter, you should quote it: `echo "The file is in: $filePath"`. If you don't, bash will tear the contents of your parameter to bits, delete all the whitespace from it, and feed the bits as arguments to the command. Yes, Bash mutilates your parameter expansions by default - it's called ''Word Splitting'' - so use quotes to prevent this. <<BR>>The exception is ''keywords'' and ''assignment''. After ''`myvar=`'' and inside ''`[[`'', ''`case`'', etc, you don't ''need'' the quotes, but they won't do any harm either - so if you're unsure: quote!

'''Last but not least''': Remember that parameters are the ''data structures'' of bash. They hold your application data. They should '''NOT''' be used to hold your application logic. So while many ill-written scripts out there may use things like `GREP=/usr/bin/grep`, or `command='mplayer -vo x11 -ao alsa'`, you should '''NOT''' do this. The main reason is because you cannot possibly do it completely right ''and'' safe ''and'' readable/maintainable. <<BR>>If you want to avoid retyping the same command multiple times, or make a single place to manage the command's command line, use a ''function'' instead. Not parameters.

== Special Parameters ==
If you're new to bash or want some details, explanation and/or examples on parameters, go read [[BashGuide/Parameters#Special_Parameters_and_Variables|the BashGuide's section on Special Parameters]].

 * `1`, `2`, ...: '''Positional Parameters are the arguments that were passed to your script or your function.'''
  . When your script is started with `./script foo bar`, `"$1"` will become `"foo"` and `"$2"` will become `"bar"`. A script ran as `./script "foo bar" hubble` will expand `"$1"` as `"foo bar"` and `"$2"` as `"hubble"`.
 * `*`: '''When expanded, it equals the single string that concatenates all positional parameters using the first character of `IFS` to separate them (- by default, that's a space).'''
  . In short, `"$*"` is the same as `"$1x$2x$3x$4x..."` where x is the first character of `IFS`. <<BR>>With a default `IFS`, that will become a simple `"$1 $2 $3 $4 ..."`.
 * `@`: '''This will expand into multiple arguments: Each positional parameter that is set will be expanded as a single argument.'''
  . So basically, `"$@"` is the same as `"$1" "$2" "$3" ...`, all quoted separately. <<BR>>'''NOTE: You should always use `"$@"` before `"$*"`, because `"$@"` preserves the fact that each argument is its separate entity. With `"$*"`, you loose this data! `"$*"` is really only useful if you want to separate your arguments by something that's not a space; for instance, a comma: `(IFS=,; echo "You ran the script with the arguments: $*")` -- output all your arguments, separating them by commas.'''
 * `#`: '''This parameter expands into a number that represents how many positional parameters are set.'''
  . A script executed with 5 arguments%2

Bash Reference Sheet


  • [word] [space] [word]

    • Spaces separate words. In bash, a word is a group of characters that belongs together. Examples are command names and arguments to commands. To put spaces inside an argument (or word), quote the argument (see next point) with single or double quotes.

  • [command] ; [command] [newline]

    • Semi-colons and newlines separate synchronous commands from each other. Use a semi-colon or a new line to end a command and begin a new one. The first command will be executed synchronously, which means that Bash will wait for it to end before running the next command.

  • [command] & [command]

    • Ampersands separate asynchronous commands. An ampersand does the same thing as a semicolon or newline in that it separates commands, but it causes Bash to execute the first command asynchronously, which means that Bash will run it in the background and run the next command immediately after, before waiting for the former to end.

  • ' [Single quoted string] '

    • Disables syntactical meaning of all characters inside the string. Whenever you want literal strings in your code, it's good practice to wrap them in single quotes so you don't run the risk of accidentally using a character that also has a syntactical meaning to Bash.

  • " [Double quoted string] "

    • Disables syntactical meaning of all characters except expansions inside the string. Use this form instead of single quotes if you need to expand a parameter or command substitution into your string.

    • Remember: It's important to always wrap your expansions ("$var" or "$(command)") in double quotes. This will, in turn, safely disable meaning of syntactical characters that may occur inside the expanded result.

Basic Structures

See BashSheet#Examples:_Basic_Structures for some examples of the syntax below.

Compound Commands

Compound commands are statements that can execute several commands but are considered as a sort of command group by Bash.

Command Lists

  • { [command list]; }

    • Execute the list of commands in the current shell as though they were one command.

    • Command grouping on its own isn't very useful. However, it comes into play wherever Bash syntax accepts only one command while you need to execute multiple. For example, you may want to pass output of multiple commands via a pipe to another command's input:
    • { cmd1; cmd2; } | cmd3

    • Or you may want to execute multiple commands after a || operator:

    • rm file || { echo "Removal failed, aborting."; exit 1; }

    • It is also used for function bodies. Technically, this can also be used for loop bodies though this is undocumented, not portable and we normally prefer do ...; done for this):

    • for digit in 1 9 7; { echo "$digit"; }       # non-portable, undocumented, unsupported

    • for digit in 1 9 7; do echo "$digit"; done   # preferred

    • Note: You need a ; before the closing } (or it must be on a new line).

  • ( [command list] )

    • Execute the list of commands in a subshell.

    • This is exactly the same thing as the command grouping above, only, the commands are executed in a subshell. Any code that affects the environment such as variable assignments, cd, export, etc. do not affect the main script's environment but are scoped within the brackets.

    • Note: You do not need a ; before the closing ).

  • $( [command list] ), ` [command list] `

    • Command Substitution captures the output of a command and expands it inline. We only use command substitution inside other commands when we want the output of one command to become part of another command. An ancient and ill-advised alternative syntax for command substitution is the back-quote: `command`. This syntax does not nest well and it's too easily confused with quotes (back-quotes have nothing to do with quoting!). Avoid this syntax and replace it with $(command) when you find it.


  • (( [arithmetic expression] ))

    • Evaluates the given expression in an arithmetic context.

    • That means, strings are considered names of integer variables, all operators are considered arithmetic operators (such as ++, ==, >, <=, etc..) You should always use this for performing tests on numbers!

  • $(( [arithmetic expression] ))

    • Expands the result of the given expression in an arithmetic context.

    • This syntax is similar to the previous, but expands into the result of the expansion. We use it inside other commands when we want the result of the arithmetic expression to become part of another command.
  • [[ [test expression] ]]

    • Evaluates the given expression as a test-compatible expression.

    • All test operators are supported but you can also perform Glob pattern matching and several other more advanced tests. It is good to note that word splitting will not take place on unquoted parameter expansions here. You should always use this for performing tests on strings and filenames!


If you're new to loops or are looking for more details, explanation and/or examples of their usage, go read the BashGuide's section on Conditional Loops.

  • do [command list]; done

    • This constitutes the actual loop that is used by the next few commands.
      The list of commands between the do and done are the commands that will be executed in every iteration of the loop.

  • for [name] in [words]

    • The next loop will iterate over each WORD after the in keyword.
      The loop's commands will be executed with the value of the variable denoted by name set to the word.

  • for (( [arithmetic expression]; [arithmetic expression]; [arithmetic expression] ))

    • The next loop will run as long as the second arithmetic expression remains true.
      The first arithmetic expression will be run before the loop starts. The third arithmetic expression will be run after the last command in each iteration has been executed.

  • while [command list]

    • The next loop will be repeated for as long as the last command ran in the command list exits successfully.

  • until [command list]

    • The next loop will be repeated for as long as the last command ran in the command list exits unsuccessfully ("fails").

  • select [name] in [words]

    • The next loop will repeat forever, letting the user choose between the given words.

      • The iteration's commands are executed with the variable denoted by name's value set to the word chosen by the user. Naturally, you can use break to end this loop.


Builtins are commands that perform a certain function that has been compiled into Bash. Understandably, they are also the only types of commands (other than those above) that can modify the Bash shell's environment.


  • true (or :): These commands do nothing at all.

    • They are NOPs that always return successfully.

  • false: The same as above, except that the command always "fails".

    • It returns an exit code of 1 indicating failure.


  • alias: Sets up a Bash alias, or print the bash alias with the given name.

    • Aliasses replace a word in the beginning of a command by something else. They only work in interactive shells (not scripts).
  • declare (or typeset): Assign a value to a variable.

    • Each argument is a new variable assignment. Each argument's part before the equal sign is the name of the variable, and after comes the data of the variable. Options to declare can be used to toggle special variable flags (like read-only/export/integer/array).

  • export: Export the given variable to the environment so that child processes inherit it.

    • This is the same as declare -x. Remember that for the child process, the variable is not the same as the one you exported. It just holds the same data. Which means, you can't change the variable data and expect it to change in the parent process, too.

  • local: Declare a variable to have a scope limited to the current function.

    • As soon as the function exits, the variable disappears. Assigning to it in a function also doesn't change a global variable with the same name, should one exist. The same options as taken by declare can be passed to local.

  • type: Show the type of the command name specified as argument.

    • The type can be either: alias, keyword, function, builtin, or file.


  • read: Read a line (unless the -d option is used to change the delimiter from newline to something else) and put it in the variables denoted by the arguments given to read.

    • If more than one variable name is given, split the line up using the characters in IFS as delimiters. If less variable names are given than there are split chunks in the line, the last variable gets all data left unsplit.


  • echo: Output each argument given to echo on one line, separated by a single space.

    • The first arguments can be options that toggle special behaviour (like no newline at end/evaluate escape sequences).

  • printf: Use the first argument as a format specifier of how to output the other arguments.

    • See help printf.

  • pwd: Output the absolute pathname of the current working directory.

    • You can use the -P option to make pwd resolve any symlinks in the pathname.


  • cd: Changes the current directory to the given path.

    • If the path doesn't start with a slash, it is relative to the current directory.
  • command: Run the first argument as a command.

    • This tells Bash to skip looking for an alias, function or keyword by that name; and instead assume the command name is a builtin, or a program in PATH.

  • . or source: Makes Bash read the filename given as first argument and execute its contents in the current shell.

    • This is kind of like include in other languages. If more arguments are given than just a filename to source, those arguments are set as the positional parameters during the execution of the sourced code. If the filename to source has no slash in it, PATH is searched for it.

  • exec: Run the command given as first argument and replace the current shell with it.

    • Other arguments are passed to the command as its arguments. If no arguments are given to exec but you do specify Redirections on the exec command, the redirections will be applied to the current shell.

  • exit: End the execution of the current script.

    • If an argument is given, it is the exit status of the current script (an integer between 0 and 255).
  • logout: End the execution of a login shell.

  • return: End the execution of the current function.

    • An exit status may be specified just like with the exit builtin.

  • ulimit: Modify resource limitations of the current shell's process.

    • These limits are inherited by child processes.


  • jobs: List the current shell's active jobs.

  • bg: Send the previous job (or job denoted by the given argument) to run in the background.

    • The shell continues to run while the job is running. The shell's input is handled by itself, not the job.
  • fg: Send the previous job (or job denoted by the given argument) to run in the foreground.

    • The shell waits for the job to end and the job can receive the input from the shell.
  • kill: Send a signal(3) to a process or job.

    • As argument, give the process ID of the process or the jobspec of the job you want to send the signal to.

  • trap: Handle a signal(3) sent to the current shell.

    • The code that is in the first argument is executed whenever a signal is received denoted by any of the other arguments to trap.

  • suspend: Stops the execution of the current shell until it receives a SIGCONT signal.

    • This is much like what happens when the shell receives a SIGSTOP signal.

  • wait: Stops the execution of the current shell until active jobs have finished.

    • In arguments, you can specify which jobs (by jobspec) or processes (by PID) to wait for.

Conditionals And Loops

  • break: Break out of the current loop.

    • When more than one loop is active, break out the last one declared. When a number is given as argument to break, break out of number loops, starting with the last one declared.

  • continue: Skip the code that is left in the current loop and start a new iteration of that loop.

    • Just like with break, a number may be given to skip out more loops.

Script Arguments

  • set: The set command normally sets various Shell options, but can also set Positional parameters.

    • Shell options are options that can be passed to the shell, such as bash -x or bash -e. set toggles shell options like this: set -x, set +x, set -e, ... Positional parameters are parameters that hold arguments that were passed to the script or shell, such as bash myscript -foo /bar. set assigns positional parameters like this: set -- -foo /bar.

  • shift: Moves all positional parameters' values one parameter back.

    • This way, values that were in $1 are discarted, values from $2 go into $1, values from $3 go into $2, and so on. You can specify an argument to shift which is an integer that specifies how many times to repeat this shift.

  • getopts: Puts an option specified in the arguments in a variable.

    • getopts Uses the first argument as a specification for which options to look for in the arguments. It then takes the first option in the arguments that is mentioned in this option specification (or next option, if getopts has been ran before), and puts this option in the variable denoted by the name in the second argument to getopts. This command is pretty much always used in a loop:

      while getopts abc opt
         case $opt in
            a) ...;;
            b) ...;;
            c) ...;;

      This way all options in the arguments are parsed and when they are either -a, -b or -c, the respective code in the case statement is executed. Following short style is also valid for specifying multiple options in the arguments that getopts parses: -ac.


If you're new to bash, don't fully understand what commands and exit codes are or want some details, explanation and/or examples on testing commands, strings or files, go read the BashGuide's section on Tests and Conditionals.

Exit Codes

An Exit Code or Exit Status is an unsigned 8-bit integer returned by a command that indicates how its execution went. It is agreed that an Exit Code of 0 indicates the command was successful at what it was supposed to do. Any other Exit Code indicates that something went wrong. Applications can choose for themselves what number indicates what went wrong; so refer to the manual of the application to find out what the application's Exit Code means.

Testing The Exit Code

  • if [command list]; then [command list]; elif [command list]; then [command list]; else [command list]; fi

    • The if command tests whether the last command in the first command list had an exit code of 0.
      If so, it executes the command list that follows the then. If not, the next elif is tried in the same manner. If no elifs are present, the command list following else is executed, unless there is no else statement. To summarize, if executes a list of *command*s. It tests the exit code. On success, the then commands are executed. elif and else parts are optional. The fi part ends the entire if block (don't forget it!).

  • while [command list], and until [command list]

    • Execute the next iteration depending on the exit code of the last command in the command list.
      We've discussed these before, but it's worth repeating them in this section, as they actually do the same thing as the if statement; except that they execute a loop for as long as the tested exit code is respectively 0 or non-0.


Bash knows two types of patterns. Glob Patterns is the most important, most used and best readable one. Later versions of Bash also support the "trendy" Regular Expressions. However, it is ill-advised to use regular expressions in scripts unless you have absolutely no other choice or the advantages of using them are far greater than when using globs. Generally speaking, if you need a regular expression, you'll be using awk(1), sed(1), or grep(1) instead of Bash.

If you're new to bash or want some details, explanation and/or examples on pattern matching, go read the BashGuide's section on Patterns.

Glob Syntax

  • ?: A question mark matches any character.

    • That is one single character.
  • *: A star matches any amount of any characters.

    • That is zero or more of whatever characters.
  • [...]: This matches *one of* any of the characters inside the braces.

    • That is one character that is mentioned inside the braces.
      • [abc]: Matches either a, b, or c but not the string abc.

      • [a-c]: The dash tells Bash to use a range.

        • Matches any character between (inclusive) a and c. So this is the same thing as the example just above.

      • [!a-c] or [^a-c]: The ! or ^ in the beginning tells Bash to invert the match.

        • Matches any character that is *not* a, b or c. That means any other letter, but *also* a number, a period, a comma, or any other character you can think of.

      • [[:digit:]]: The [:class:] syntax tells Bash to use a character class.

        • Character classes are groups of characters that are predefined and named for convenience. You can use the following classes:

          alnum, alpha, ascii, blank, cntrl, digit, graph, lower, print, punct, space, upper, word, xdigit

Testing Patterns

  • [[ [string] = [glob pattern] ]], or [[ [string%f how to output the other arguments.

    • See help printf.

  • pwd: Output the absolute pathname of the current working directory.

    • You can use the -P option to make pwd resolve any symlinks in the pathname.


  • cd: Changes the current directory to the given path.

    • If the path doesn't start with a slash, it is relative to the current directory.
  • command: Run the first argument as a command.

    • This tells Bash to skip looking for an alias, function or keyword by that name; and instead assume the command name is a builtin, or a program in PATH.

  • . or source: Makes Bash read the filename given as first argument and execute its contents in the current shell.

    • This is kind of like include in other languages. If more arguments are given than just a filename to source, those arguments are set as the positional parameters during the execution of the sourced code. If the filename to source has no slash in it, PATH is searched for it.

  • exec: Run the command given as first argument and replace the current shell with it.

    • Other arguments are passed to the command as its arguments. If no arguments are given to exec but you do specify Redirections on the exec command, the redirections will be applied to the current shell.

  • exit: End the execution of the current script.

    • If an argument is given, it is the exit status of the current script (an integer between 0 and 255).
  • logout: End the execution of a login shell.

  • return: End the execution of the current function.

    • An exit status may be specified just like with the exit builtin.

  • ulimit: Modify resource limitations of the current shell's process.

    • These limits are inherited by child processes.


  • jobs: List the current shell's active jobs.

  • bg: Send the previous job (or job denoted by the given argument) to run in the background.

    • The shell continues to run while the job is running. The shell's input is handled by itself, not the job.
  • fg: Send the previous job (or job denoted by the given argument) to run in the foreground.

    • The shell waits for the job to end and the job can receive the input from the shell.
  • kill: Send a signal(3) to a process or job.

    • As argument, give the process ID of the process or the jobspec of the job you want to send the signal to.

  • trap: Handle a signal(3) sent to the current shell.

    • The code that is in the first argument is executed whenever a signal is received denoted by any of the other arguments to trap.

  • suspend: Stops the execution of the current shell until it receives a SIGCONT signal.

    • This is much like what happens when the shell receives a SIGSTOP signal.

  • wait: Stops the execution of the current shell until active jobs have finished.

    • In arguments, you can specify which jobs (by jobspec) or processes (by PID) to wait for.

Conditionals And Loops

  • break: Break out of the current loop.

    • When more than one loop is active, break out the last one declared. When a number is given as argument to break, break out of number loops, starting with the last one declared.

  • continue: Skip the code that is left in the current loop and start a new iteration of that loop.

    • Just like with break, a number may be given to skip out more loops.

Script Arguments

  • set: The set command normally sets various Shell options, but can also set Positional parameters.

    • Shell options are options that can be passed to the shell, such as bash -x or bash -e. set toggles shell options like this: set -x, set +x, set -e, ... Positional parameters are parameters that hold arguments that were passed to the script or shell, such as bash myscript -foo /bar. set assigns positional parameters like this: set -- -foo /bar.

  • shift: Moves all positional parameters' values one parameter back.

    • This way, values that were in $1 are discarted, values from $2 go into $1, values from $3 go into $2, and so on. You can specify an argument to shift which is an integer that specifies how many times to repeat this shift.

  • getopts: Puts an option specified in the arguments in a variable.

    • getopts Uses the first argument as a specification for which options to look for in the arguments. It then takes the first option in the arguments that is mentioned in this option specification (or next option, if getopts has been ran before), and puts this option in the variable denoted by the name in the second argument to getopts. This command is pretty much always used in a loop:

      while getopts abc opt
         case $opt in
            a) ...;;
            b) ...;;
            c) ...;;

      This way all options in the arguments are parsed and when they are either -a, -b or -c, the respective code in the case statement is executed. Following short style is also valid for specifying multiple options in the arguments that getopts parses: -ac.


If you're new to bash, don't fully understand what commands and exit codes are or want some details, explanation and/or examples on testing commands, strings or files, go read the BashGuide's section on Tests and Conditionals.

Exit Codes

An Exit Code or Exit Status is an unsigned 8-bit integer returned by a command that indicates how its execution went. It is agreed that an Exit Code of 0 indicates the command was successful at what it was supposed to do. Any other Exit Code indicates that something went wrong. Applications can choose for themselves what number indicates what went wrong; so refer to the manual of the application to find out what the application's Exit Code means.

Testing The Exit Code

  • if [command list]; then [command list]; elif [command list]; then [command list]; else [command list]; fi

    • The if command tests whether the last command in the first command list had an exit code of 0.
      If so, it executes the
      command list that follows the then. If not, the next elif is tried in the same manner. If no elifs are present, the command list following else is executed, unless there is no else statement. To summarize, if executes a list of *command*s. It tests the exit code. On success, the then commands are executed. elif and else parts are optional. The fi part ends the entire if block (don't forget it!).

  • while [command list], and until [command list]

    • Execute the next iteration depending on the exit code of the last command in the command list.
      We've discussed these before, but it's worth repeating them in this section, as they actually do the same thing as the if statement; except that they execute a loop for as long as the tested exit code is respectively 0 or non-0.


Bash knows two types of patterns. Glob Patterns is the most important, most used and best readable one. Later versions of Bash also support the "trendy" Regular Expressions. However, it is ill-advised to use regular expressions in scripts unless you have absolutely no other choice or the advantages of using them are far greater than when using globs. Generally speaking, if you need a regular expression, you'll be using awk(1), sed(1), or grep(1) instead of Bash.

If you're new to bash or want some details, explanation and/or examples on pattern matching, go read the BashGuide's section on Patterns.

Glob Syntax

  • ?: A question mark matches any character.

    • That is one single character.
  • *: A star matches any amount of any characters.

    • That is zero or more of whatever characters.
  • [...]: This matches *one of* any of the characters inside the braces.

    • That is one character that is mentioned inside the braces.
      • [abc]: Matches either a, b, or c but not the string abc.

      • [a-c]: The dash tells Bash to use a range.

        • Matches any character between (inclusive) a and c. So this is the same thing as the example just above.

      • [!a-c] or [^a-c]: The ! or ^ in the beginning tells Bash to invert the match.

        • Matches any character that is *not* a, b or c. That means any other letter, but *also* a number, a period, a comma, or any other character you can think of.

      • [[:digit:]]: The [:class:] syntax tells Bash to use a character class.

        • Character classes are groups of characters that are predefined and named for convenience. You can use the following classes:

          alnum, alpha, ascii, blank, cntrl, digit, graph, lower, print, punct, space, upper, word, xdigit

Testing Patterns

  • [[ [string] = [glob pattern] ]], or [[ [string] =~ [regular expression] ]]:

    • The [[ command is an improved version of the commonly used [ or test command.
      [ and test are commands you often see in sh scripts to perform tests on files, strings and numbers. [[ can do all these things (but better) and it also provides you with
      Glob Pattern matching. This syntax causes [[ to return a successful exit code (0) when the given string matches the given glob pattern, or the given regular expression with the second syntax.

  • case [string] in [glob pattern]) [command list];; [glob pattern]) [command list];; esac:

    • Using case is handy if you want to test a certain string that could match either of several different glob patterns.
      command list that follows the *first* glob pattern that matched your string will be executed. You can specify as many glob pattern and command lists combos as you need.


Parameters are what Bash uses to store your script data in. There are Special Parameters and Variables.

Any parameters you create will be variables, since special parameters are read-only parameters managed by Bash. It is recommended you use lower-case names for your own parameters so as not to confuse them with the all-uppercase variable names used by Bash internal variables and environment variables. It is also recommended you use clear and transparent names for your variables. Avoid x, i, t, tmp, foo, etc. Instead, use the variable name to describe the kind of data the variable is supposed to hold.

It is also important that you understand the need for quoting. Generally speaking, whenever you use a parameter, you should quote it: echo "The file is in: $filePath". If you don't, bash will tear the contents of your parameter to bits, delete all the whitespace from it, and feed the bits as arguments to the command. Yes, Bash mutilates your parameter expansions by default - it's called Word Splitting - so use quotes to prevent this.
The exception is
keywords and assignment. After myvar= and inside [[, case, etc, you don't need the quotes, but they won't do any harm either - so if you're unsure: quote!

f how to output the other arguments.

  • See help printf.

  • pwd: Output the absolute pathname of the current working directory.

    • You can use the -P option to make pwd resolve any symlinks in the pathname.


  • cd: Changes the current directory to the given path.

    • If the path doesn't start with a slash, it is relative to the current directory.
  • command: Run the first argument as a command.

    • This tells Bash to skip looking for an alias, function or keyword by that name; and instead assume the command name is a builtin, or a program in PATH.

  • . or source: Makes Bash read the filename given as first argument and execute its contents in the current shell.

    • This is kind of like include in other languages. If more arguments are given than just a filename to source, those arguments are set as the positional parameters during the execution of the sourced code. If the filename to source has no slash in it, PATH is searched for it.

  • exec: Run the command given as first argument and replace the current shell with it.

    • Other arguments are passed to the command as its arguments. If no arguments are given to exec but you do specify Redirections on the exec command, the redirections will be applied to the current shell.

  • exit: End the execution of the current script.

    • If an argument is given, it is the exit status of the current script (an integer between 0 and 255).
  • logout: End the execution of a login shell.

  • return: End the execution of the current function.

    • An exit status may be specified just like with the exit builtin.

  • ulimit: Modify resource limitations of the current shell's process.

    • These limits are inherited by child processes.


  • jobs: List the current shell's active jobs.

  • bg: Send the previous job (or job denoted by the given argument) to run in the background.

    • The shell continues to run while the job is running. The shell's input is handled by itself, not the job.
  • fg: Send the previous job (or job denoted by the given argument) to run in the foreground.

    • The shell waits for the job to end and the job can receive the input from the shell.
  • kill: Send a signal(3) to a process or job.

    • As argument, give the process ID of the process or the jobspec of the job you want to send the signal to.

  • trap: Handle a signal(3) sent to the current shell.

    • The code that is in the first argument is executed whenever a signal is received denoted by any of the other arguments to trap.

  • suspend: Stops the execution of the current shell until it receives a SIGCONT signal.

    • This is much like what happens when the shell receives a SIGSTOP signal.

  • wait: Stops the execution of the current shell until active jobs have finished.

    • In arguments, you can specify which jobs (by jobspec) or processes (by PID) to wait for.

Conditionals And Loops

  • break: Break out of the current loop.

    • When more than one loop is active, break out the last one declared. When a number is given as argument to break, break out of number loops, starting with the last one declared.

  • continue: Skip the code that is left in the current loop and start a new iteration of that loop.

    • Just like with break, a number may be given to skip out more loops.

Script Arguments

  • set: The set command normally sets various Shell options, but can also set Positional parameters.

    • Shell options are options that can be passed to the shell, such as bash -x or bash -e. set toggles shell options like this: set -x, set +x, set -e, ... Positional parameters are parameters that hold arguments that were passed to the script or shell, such as bash myscript -foo /bar. set assigns positional parameters like this: set -- -foo /bar.

  • shift: Moves all positional parameters' values one parameter back.

    • This way, values that were in $1 are discarted, values from $2 go into $1, values from $3 go into $2, and so on. You can specify an argument to shift which is an integer that specifies how many times to repeat this shift.

  • getopts: Puts an option specified in the arguments in a variable.

    • getopts Uses the first argument as a specification for which options to look for in the arguments. It then takes the first option in the arguments that is mentioned in this option specification (or next option, if getopts has been ran before), and puts this option in the variable denoted by the name in the second argument to getopts. This command is pretty much always used in a loop:

      while getopts abc opt
         case $opt in
            a) ...;;
            b) ...;;
            c) ...;;

      This way all options in the arguments are parsed and when they are either -a, -b or -c, the respective code in the case statement is executed. Following short style is also valid for specifying multiple options in the arguments that getopts parses: -ac.


If you're new to bash, don't fully understand what commands and exit codes are or want some details, explanation and/or examples on testing commands, strings or files, go read the BashGuide's section on Tests and Conditionals.

Exit Codes

An Exit Code or Exit Status is an unsigned 8-bit integer returned by a command that indicates how its execution went. It is agreed that an Exit Code of 0 indicates the command was successful at what it was supposed to do. Any other Exit Code indicates that something went wrong. Applications can choose for themselves what number indicates what went wrong; so refer to the manual of the application to find out what the application's Exit Code means.

Testing The Exit Code

  • if [command list]; then [command list]; elif [command list]; then [command list]; else [command list]; fi

    • The if command tests whether the last command in the first command list had an exit code of 0.
      If so, it executes the
      command list that follows the then. If not, the next elif is tried in the same manner. If no elifs are present, the command list following else is executed, unless there is no else statement. To summarize, if executes a list of *command*s. It tests the exit code. On success, the then commands are executed. elif and else parts are optional. The fi part ends the entire if block (don't forget it!).

  • while [command list], and until [command list]

    • Execute the next iteration depending on the exit code of the last command in the command list.
      We've discussed these before, but it's worth repeating them in this section, as they actually do the same thing as the if statement; except that they execute a loop for as long as the tested exit code is respectively 0 or non-0.


Bash knows two types of patterns. Glob Patterns is the most important, most used and best readable one. Later versions of Bash also support the "trendy" Regular Expressions. However, it is ill-advised to use regular expressions in scripts unless you have absolutely no other choice or the advantages of using them are far greater than when using globs. Generally speaking, if you need a regular expression, you'll be using awk(1), sed(1), or grep(1) instead of Bash.

If you're new to bash or want some details, explanation and/or examples on pattern matching, go read the BashGuide's section on Patterns.

Glob Syntax

  • ?: A question mark matches any character.

    • That is one single character.
  • *: A star matches any amount of any characters.

    • That is zero or more of whatever characters.
  • [...]: This matches *one of* any of the characters inside the braces.

    • That is one character that is mentioned inside the braces.
      • [abc]: Matches either a, b, or c but not the string abc.

      • [a-c]: The dash tells Bash to use a range.

        • Matches any character between (inclusive) a and c. So this is the same thing as the example just above.

      • [!a-c] or [^a-c]: The ! or ^ in the beginning tells Bash to invert the match.

        • Matches any character that is *not* a, b or c. That means any other letter, but *also* a number, a period, a comma, or any other character you can think of.

      • [[:digit:]]: The [:class:] syntax tells Bash to use a character class.

        • Character classes are groups of characters that are predefined and named for convenience. You can use the following classes:

          alnum, alpha, ascii, blank, cntrl, digit, graph, lower, print, punct, space, upper, word, xdigit

Testing Patterns

  • [[ [string] = [glob pattern] ]], or [[ [string] =~ [regular expression] ]]:

    • The [[ command is an improved version of the commonly used [ or test command.
      [ and test are commands you often see in sh scripts to perform tests on files, strings and numbers. [[ can do all these things (but better) and it also provides you with
      Glob Pattern matching. This syntax causes [[ to return a successful exit code (0) when the given string matches the given glob pattern, or the given regular expression with the second syntax.

  • case [string] in [glob pattern]) [command list];; [glob pattern]) [command list];; esac:

    • Using case is handy if you want to test a certain string that could match either of several different glob patterns.
      command list that follows the *first* glob pattern that matched your string will be executed. You can specify as many glob pattern and command lists combos as you need.


Parameters are what Bash uses to store your script data in. There are Special Parameters and Variables.

Any parameters you create will be variables, since special parameters are read-only parameters managed by Bash. It is recommended you use lower-case names for your own parameters so as not to confuse them with the all-uppercase variable names used by Bash internal variables and environment variables. It is also recommended you use clear and transparent names for your variables. Avoid x, i, t, tmp, foo, etc. Instead, use the variable name to describe the kind of data the variable is supposed to hold.

It is also important that you understand the need for quoting. Generally speaking, whenever you use a parameter, you should quote it: echo "The file is in: $filePath". If you don't, bash will tear the contents of your parameter to bits, delete all the whitespace from it, and feed the bits as arguments to the command. Yes, Bash mutilates your parameter expansions by default - it's called Word Splitting - so use quotes to prevent this.
The exception is
keywords and assignment. After myvar= and inside [[, case, etc, you don't need the quotes, but they won't do any harm either - so if you're unsure: quote!

Last but not least: Remember that parameters are the data structures of bash. They hold your application data. They should NOT be used to hold your application logic. So while many ill-written scripts out there may use things like GREP=/usr/bin/grep, or command='mplayer -vo x11 -ao alsa', you should NOT do this. The main reason is because you cannot possibly do it completely right and safe and readable/maintainable.
If you want to avoid retyping the same command multiple times, or make a single place to manage the command's command line, use a
function instead. Not parameters.

Special Parameters

If you're new to bash or want some details, explanation and/or examples on parameters, go read the BashGuide's section on Special Parameters.

  • 1, 2, ...: Positional Parameters are the arguments that were passed to your script or your function.

    • When your script is started with ./script foo bar, "$1" will become "foo" and "$2" will become "bar". A script ran as ./script "foo bar" hubble will expand "$1" as "foo bar" and "$2" as "hubble".

  • *: When expanded, it equals the single string that concatenates all positional parameters using the first character of IFS to separate them (- by default, that's a space).

    • In short, "$*" is the same as "$1x$2x$3x$4x..." where x is the first character of IFS.
      With a default IFS, that will become a simple "$1 $2 $3 $4 ...".

  • @: This will expand into multiple arguments: Each positional parameter that is set will be expanded as a single argument.

    • So basically, "$@" is the same as "$1" "$2" "$3" ..., all quoted separately.
      NOTE: You should always use "$@" before "$*", because "$@" preserves the fact that each argument is its separate entity. With "$*", you loose this data! "$*" is really only useful if you want to separate your arguments by something that's not a space; for instance, a comma: (IFS=,; echo "You ran the script with the arguments: $*") -- output all your arguments, separating them by commas.

  • #: This parameter expands into a number that represents how many positional parameters are set.

    • A script executed with 5 arguments%2

BashSheet (last edited 2021-12-20 04:19:50 by 71)