Differences between revisions 5 and 8 (spanning 3 versions)
Revision 5 as of 2009-07-15 18:37:02
Size: 52
Editor: GreyCat
Comment: This one has been merged into 044 and is now available.
Revision 8 as of 2011-04-03 15:07:58
Size: 797
Editor: adsl-75-61-109-235
Comment: Changed \e to \x1b, which works with other Posix shells. Considered leaving a note about \e as an option but don't think it's needed.
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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== Placeholder ==
== How can I set the contents of my terminal's title bar? ==
If you have a terminal that understands `xterm`-compatible escape sequences, and you just want to set the title one time, you can use a function like this:

settitle() { printf '\x1b]2;%s\a' "$*"; }

If you want to set the title bar to the currently-running command line every time you type a command, then this solution approximates it:

trap 'printf "\e]2;%s\a" "$(HISTTIMEFORMAT='' history 1)" > /dev/tty' DEBUG

However, it leaves the command history number in place, and it doesn't trigger on explicit subshells like `(cd foo && make)`.

Or to use just the name and arguments of the current simple command:

trap 'printf "\e]2;%s\a" "$BASH_COMMAND" > /dev/tty' DEBUG

How can I set the contents of my terminal's title bar?

If you have a terminal that understands xterm-compatible escape sequences, and you just want to set the title one time, you can use a function like this:

settitle() { printf '\x1b]2;%s\a' "$*"; }

If you want to set the title bar to the currently-running command line every time you type a command, then this solution approximates it:

trap 'printf "\e]2;%s\a" "$(HISTTIMEFORMAT='' history 1)" > /dev/tty' DEBUG

However, it leaves the command history number in place, and it doesn't trigger on explicit subshells like (cd foo && make).

Or to use just the name and arguments of the current simple command:

trap 'printf "\e]2;%s\a" "$BASH_COMMAND" > /dev/tty' DEBUG

BashFAQ/093 (last edited 2016-10-22 16:49:46 by politkovskaja)