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Revision 1 as of 2007-05-03 00:18:27
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Editor: redondos
Revision 4 as of 2007-05-13 11:58:24
Size: 1500
Editor: BetterWorld
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If these builtins are not available (because you're in a Bourne shell, or whatever), then you may have to rely on the external command {{{which}}} (which is often a csh script, although sometimes a compiled binary). Unfortunately, {{{which}}} does ''not'' set a useful exit code -- and it doesn't even write errors to stderr! Therefore, one must parse its output. If these builtins are not available (because you're in a Bourne shell, or whatever), then you may have to rely on the external command {{{which}}} (which is often a csh script, although sometimes a compiled binary). Unfortunately, {{{which}}} does ''not'' set a useful exit code (on any system but GNU/Linux) -- and it doesn't even write errors to stderr! Therefore, one must parse its output.
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(Also note that its output is ''not'' consistent across platforms. On HP-UX, for example, it prints {{{no qwerty in /path /path /path ...}}}; on OpenBSD, it prints {{{qwerty: Command not found.}}}; and on GNU/Linux, it prints nothing at all.) {{{
# Another easy way that works only on gnu:
if ! which qwerty 2>/dev/null; then
  echo "$0: install qwerty first"
  exit 1

(Also note that its output is ''not'' consistent across platforms. On HP-UX, for example, it prints {{{no qwerty in /path /path /path ...}}}; on OpenBSD, it prints {{{qwerty: Command not found.}}}; and on Debian and Suse, it prints nothing at all. On Gentoo, it actually prints something to stderr.)


How can I determine whether a command exists anywhere in my PATH?

In BASH, there are a couple builtins that are suitable for this purpose: hash and type. Here's an example using hash:

if hash qwerty 2>/dev/null; then
  echo qwerty exists
  echo qwerty does not exist

If these builtins are not available (because you're in a Bourne shell, or whatever), then you may have to rely on the external command which (which is often a csh script, although sometimes a compiled binary). Unfortunately, which does not set a useful exit code (on any system but GNU/Linux) -- and it doesn't even write errors to stderr! Therefore, one must parse its output.

# Last resort -- using which(1)
x=$(LC_ALL=C which qwerty 2>&1)
case "$x" in
  no\ *\ in\ *)           echo qwerty does not exist;;
  *Command\ not\ found.)  echo qwerty does not exist;;
  '')                     echo qwerty does not exist;;
  *)                      echo qwerty exists;;

# Another easy way that works only on gnu:
if ! which qwerty 2>/dev/null; then
  echo "$0: install qwerty first"
  exit 1

(Also note that its output is not consistent across platforms. On HP-UX, for example, it prints no qwerty in /path /path /path ...; on OpenBSD, it prints qwerty: Command not found.; and on Debian and Suse, it prints nothing at all. On Gentoo, it actually prints something to stderr.)

BashFAQ/081 (last edited 2025-03-11 22:37:01 by 81)