How do I convert an ASCII character to its decimal (or hexadecimal) value and back?

If you have a known octal or hexadecimal value (at script-writing time), you can just use printf:

   # POSIX
   printf '\x27\047\n'

This prints two literal ' characters (27 is the hexadecimal ASCII value of the character, and 47 is the octal value) and a newline.

If you need to convert characters (or numeric ASCII values) that are not known in advance (i.e., in variables), you can use something a little more complicated:

        #       Note about Ext Ascii and UTF-8 encoding
        # for values 0x00 - 0x7f identical
        # for values 0x80 - 0x00 conflict between UTF-8 & ExtAscii
        # for values 0x100 -0x7FFFFFFF Only UTF-8 UTF-32
        # value         EAscii   UTF-8                          UTF-16  UTF-32
        # 0x20          "\x20"  "\x20"                          \u0020  \U00000020
        # 0x20          "\x7f"  "\x7f"                          \u007f  \U0000007f
        # 0x80          "\x80"  "\xc2\x80"                      \u0080  \U00000080
        # 0xff          "\xff"  "\xc3\xbf"                      \u00ff  \U000000ff
        # 0x100         N/A     "\xc4\x80"                      \u0100  \U00000100
        # 0x1000        N/A     "\xc8\x80"                      \u1000  \U00001000
        # 0xffff        N/A     "\xef\xbf\xbf"                  \uffff  \U0000ffff
        # 0x10000       N/A     "\xf0\x90\x80\x80"              N/A     \U00010000
        # 0xfffff       N/A     "\xf3\xbf\xbf\xbf"              N/A     \U000fffff
        # 0x10000000    N/A     "\xfc\x90\x80\x80\x80\x80"      N/A     \U10000000
        # 0x7fffffff    N/A     "\xfd\xbf\xbf\xbf\xbf\xbf"      N/A     \U7fffffff
        # 0x80000000    N/A     N/A                             N/A     N/A
        # 0xffffffff    N/A     N/A                             N/A     N/A

        ## ord family
        # ord        <Return Variable Name> <Char to convert> [Optional Format String]
        # ord.hex    <Return Variable Name> <Char to convert>
        # ord.oct    <Return Variable Name> <Char to convert>
        # ord.utf8   <Return Variable Name> <Char to convert> [Optional Format String]
        # ord.eascii <Return Variable Name> <Char to convert> [Optional Format String]
        # ord.echo                      <Char to convert> [Optional Format String]
        # ord.hex.echo                  <Char to convert>
        # ord.oct.echo                  <Char to convert>
        # ord.utf8.echo                 <Char to convert> [Optional Format String]
        # ord.eascii.echo               <Char to convert> [Optional Format String]
        # Description:
        # converts character using native encoding to its decimal value and stores
        # it in the Variable specified
        #       ord
        #       ord.hex         output in hex
        #       ord.hex         output in octal
        #       ord.utf8        forces UTF8 decoding
        #       ord.eascii      forces eascii decoding
        #       ord.echo        prints to stdout
        function ord {
                printf -v "${1?Missing Dest Variable}" "${3:-%d}" "'${2?Missing Char}"
        function ord.oct {
                ord "${@:1:2}" "%c"
        function ord.hex {
                ord "${@:1:2}" "%x"
        function ord.utf8 {
                LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF8 ord "${@}"
        function ord.eascii {
                LC_CTYPE=C ord "${@}"
        function ord.echo {
                printf "${2:-%d}" "'${1?Missing Char}"
        function ord.oct.echo {
                ord.echo "${@:1:1}" "%o"
        function ord.hex.echo {
                ord.echo "${@:1:1}" "%x"
        function ord.utf8.echo {
                LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF8 ord.echo "${@}"
        function ord.eascii.echo {
                LC_CTYPE=C ord.echo "${@}"

        ## chr family
        # chr.utf8   <Return Variale Name> <Integer to convert>
        # chr.eascii <Return Variale Name> <Integer to convert>
        # chr        <Return Variale Name> <Integer to convert>
        # chr.oct    <Return Variale Name> <Octal number to convert>
        # chr.hex    <Return Variale Name> <Hex number to convert>
        # chr.utf8.echo                  <Integer to convert>
        # chr.eascii.echo                <Integer to convert>
        # chr.echo                       <Integer to convert>
        # chr.oct.echo                   <Octal number to convert>
        # chr.hex.echo                   <Hex number to convert>
        # Description:
        # converts decimal value to character representation an stores
        # it in the Variable specified
        #       chr                     Tries to guess output format
        #       chr.utf8                forces UTF8 encoding
        #       chr.eascii              forces eascii encoding
        #       chr.echo                prints to stdout
        function chr.utf8 {
                local val
                printf -v ${val} '\\U%08x' "${2?Missing Value}"
                printf -v ${1?Missing Dest Variable} ${val}
        function chr.eascii {
                local val
                [ ${1} -lt 0x100 ] || return 1
                printf -v ${val} '\\x%02x' "${2?Missing Value}"
                printf -v ${1?Missing Dest Variable} ${val}
        function chr {
                if [ ${1} -lt 0x80 ]; then
                        chr.eascii "${@}"
                elif [ ${1} -lt 0x100 ]; then
                        if [ "${LC_CTYPE:-${LC_ALL:-}}" = "C" ]; then
                                chr.eascii "${@}"
                                chr.utf8 "${@}"
                        chr.utf8 "${@}"
        function chr.oct {
                chr "${1}" "0${2}"
        function chr.hex {
                chr "${1}" "0x${2}"
        function chr.utf8.echo {
                local val
                printf -v ${val} "%08x" "${1?Missing Value}"
                printf \\U${val}
        function chr.eascii.echo {
                local val
                printf -v ${val} "%02x" "${1?Missing Value}"
                printf \\x${val}
        function chr.echo {
                if [ ${1} -lt 0x80 ]; then
                        chr.eascii.echo "${@}"
                elif [ ${1} -lt 0x100 ]; then
                        if [ "${LC_CTYPE:-${LC_ALL:-}}" = "C" ]; then
                                chr.eascii.echo "${@}"
                                chr.utf8.echo "${@}"
                        chr.utf8.echo "${@}"
        function chr.oct.echo {
                chr.echo "${1}" "0${2}"
        function chr.hex.echo {
                chr.echo "${1}" "0x${2}"
   chr.echo $(ord.echo A)    # -> A
   ord.echo $(chr.echo 65)   # -> 65

Here are some older, simpler functions that do similar things:

# chr() - converts decimal value to its ASCII character representation
# ord() - converts ASCII character to its decimal value

chr() {
  printf \\$(printf '%03o' $1)
# Another version doing the octal conversion with arithmetic 
# faster as it avoids a subshell
chr () {
 printf \\$(($1/64*100+$1%64/8*10+$1%8))

# Another version using a temporary variable to avoid subshell.
# This one requires bash 3.1.
chr() {
  local tmp
  printf -v tmp '%03o' "$1"
  printf \\"$tmp"

ord() {
  printf '%d' "'$1"

# hex() - converts ASCII character to a hexadecimal value
# unhex() - converts a hexadecimal value to an ASCII character

hex() {
   printf '%x' "'$1"

unhex() {
   printf \\x"$1"

# examples:

chr $(ord A)    # -> A
ord $(chr 65)   # -> 65

The ord function above is quite tricky.