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Size: 1930
Editor: redondos
Revision 7 as of 2014-07-05 08:19:08
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Editor: 82-168-37-50
Comment: added closing of fd's
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== My ssh client hangs when I try to run a remote background job! ==
== My ssh client hangs when I try to logout after running a remote background job! ==
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This is a "feature" of [http://www.openssh.org/ OpenSSH]. The client will not close the connection as long as the remote end's terminal still is still in use -- and in the case of {{{sleep 120 &}}}, stdout and stderr are still connected to the terminal. This is a "feature" of [[http://www.openssh.org/|OpenSSH]]. The client will not close the connection as long as the remote end's terminal still is still in use -- and in the case of {{{sleep 120 &}}}, stdout and stderr are still connected to the terminal.

The simplest solution is to tell OpenSSH to disconnect as soon as authentication is complete:
    ssh -f me@remotehost 'sleep 120'
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The long-term workaround for this is to ensure that all the file descriptors are redirected to a log file (or {{{/dev/null}}}) on the remote side: The problem is that the stdout and stderr file descriptors are still connected to the terminal, preventing the exit of ssh.
So the long-term workaround for this is to ensure that all these file descriptors are either closed or redirected to a log file (or {{{/dev/null}}}) on the remote side.

Closing stdin, stderr (which is slightly more efficient than redirecting to /dev/null):

   ssh me@remotehost 'sleep 120 >&- 2>&- &'
   # Client should return immediately

Alternatively, redirecting to /dev/null:
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This also applies to restarting daemons on some legacy Unix systems. This also applies to restarting daemons on some legacy Unix systems.  
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'''Please note''' that allowing root to log in over SSH is a very bad security practice. If you must do this, then create a single script that does all the commands you want, with no command line options, and then configure the sudoers file to grant a single user the right to run the mentioned script with no password required. This will ensure that you know which commands need run regularly, and that if the regular account is compromised, the damage which can be incurred is quantified.

My ssh client hangs when I try to logout after running a remote background job!

The following will not do what you expect:

   ssh me@remotehost 'sleep 120 &'
   # Client hangs for 120 seconds

This is a "feature" of OpenSSH. The client will not close the connection as long as the remote end's terminal still is still in use -- and in the case of sleep 120 &, stdout and stderr are still connected to the terminal.

The simplest solution is to tell OpenSSH to disconnect as soon as authentication is complete:

    ssh -f me@remotehost 'sleep 120'

The immediate answer to your question -- "How do I get the client to disconnect so I can get my shell back?" -- is to kill the ssh client. You can do this with the kill or pkill commands, of course; or by sending the INT signal (usually Ctrl-C) for a non-interactive ssh session (as above); or by pressing <Enter><~><.> (Enter, Tilde, Period) in the client's terminal window for an interactive remote shell.

The problem is that the stdout and stderr file descriptors are still connected to the terminal, preventing the exit of ssh. So the long-term workaround for this is to ensure that all these file descriptors are either closed or redirected to a log file (or /dev/null) on the remote side.

Closing stdin, stderr (which is slightly more efficient than redirecting to /dev/null):

   ssh me@remotehost 'sleep 120 >&- 2>&- &'
   # Client should return immediately

Alternatively, redirecting to /dev/null:

   ssh me@remotehost 'sleep 120 >/dev/null 2>&1 &'
   # Client should return immediately

This also applies to restarting daemons on some legacy Unix systems.

   ssh root@hp-ux-box   # Interactive shell
   ...                  # Discover that the problem is stale NFS handles
   /sbin/init.d/nfs.client stop   # autofs is managed by this script and
   /sbin/init.d/nfs.client start  # killing it on HP-UX is OK (unlike Linux)
   # Client hangs -- use Enter ~ . to kill it.

Please note that allowing root to log in over SSH is a very bad security practice. If you must do this, then create a single script that does all the commands you want, with no command line options, and then configure the sudoers file to grant a single user the right to run the mentioned script with no password required. This will ensure that you know which commands need run regularly, and that if the regular account is compromised, the damage which can be incurred is quantified.

The legacy Unix /sbin/init.d/nfs.client script runs daemons in the background but leaves their stdout and stderr attached to the terminal (and they don't fully self-daemonize). The solution is either to fix the Unix vendor's broken init script, or to kill the ssh client process after this happens. The author of this article uses the latter approach.

BashFAQ/063 (last edited 2018-11-30 15:31:15 by Valentin Bajrami)