
How can I redirect stderr to a pipe?

A pipe can only carry stdout of a program. To pipe stderr through it, you need to redirect stderr to the same destination as stdout. Optionally you can close stdout or redirect it to /dev/null to only get stderr. Some sample code:

# - 'myprog' is an example for a program that outputs both, stdout and
#   stderr
# - after the pipe I will just use a 'cat', of course you can put there
#   what you want

# version 1: redirect stderr towards the pipe while stdout survives (both come
# mixed)
myprog 2>&1 | cat                                                               
# version 2: redirect stderr towards the pipe without getting stdout (it's
# redirected to /dev/null)
myprog 2>&1 >/dev/null | cat
#Note that '>/dev/null' comes after '2>&1', otherwise the stderr will also be directed to /dev/null
# version 3: redirect stderr towards the pipe while the "original" stdout gets
# closed
myprog 2>&1 >&- | cat

One may also pipe stderr only but keep stdout intact (without a priori knowledge of where the script's output is going). This is a bit trickier.

This has an obvious application with eg. dialog, which draws (using ncurses) windows onto the screen to stdout, and returns output to stderr. This may be a little inconvenient, because it may lead to a necessary temporary file which we may like to evade. (Although this is not necessary -- see [#faq40 FAQ #40] for more examples of using dialog specifically!)

On [ TLDP], I've found following trick:

# Redirecting only stderr to a pipe.

exec 3>&1                                       # Save current "value" of stdout.
ls -l /dev/fd/ 2>&1 >&3 3>&- | grep bad 3>&-    # Close fd 3 for 'grep' and 'ls'.
#                       ^^^^            ^^^^
exec 3>&-                                       # Now close it for the remainder of the script.

# Thanks, S.C.

The output of the ls command shows where each file descriptor points to.

The same can be done without exec:

{ ls -l /dev/fd/ 2>&1 1>&3 3>&- | grep bad 3>&-; } 3>&1

To show it as a dialog one-liner:

exec 3>&1
dialog --menu Title 0 0 0 FirstItem FirstDescription 2>&1 >&3 3>&- | sed 's/First/Only/'
exec 3>&-

This will have the dialog window working properly, yet it will be the output of dialog (returned to stderr) being altered by the sed. Cheers.

A similar effect can be achieved with process substitution:

perl -e 'print "stdout\n"; warn "stderr\n"' 2> >(tr a-z A-Z)

This will pipe standard error through the tr command.