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This is one of those questions that usually masks a much deeper issue. It's rare that someone wants to know whether a process is still running simply to display a red or green light to an operator. More often, there's some ulterior motive, such as the desire to ensure that some daemon which is known to crash frequently is still running, or to ensure mutually exclusive access to a resource, etc. For much better discussion of these issues, see ProcessManagement or [#faq33 FAQ #33]. This is one of those questions that usually masks a much deeper issue. It's rare that someone wants to know whether a process is still running simply to display a red or green light to an operator. More often, there's some ulterior motive, such as the desire to ensure that some daemon which is known to crash frequently is still running, or to ensure mutually exclusive access to a resource, etc. For much better discussion of these issues, see ProcessManagement or [:BashFAQ#faq33:FAQ #33].


How can I find out if a process is still running?

The kill command is used to send signals to a running process. As a convenience function, the signal "0", which does not exist, can be used to find out if a process is still running:

  •  myprog &          # Start program in the background
     daemonpid=$!      # ...and save its process id
     while sleep 60
         if kill -0 $daemonpid       # Is the process still alive?
             echo >&2 "OK - process is still running"
             echo >&2 "ERROR - process $daemonpid is no longer running!"

This is one of those questions that usually masks a much deeper issue. It's rare that someone wants to know whether a process is still running simply to display a red or green light to an operator. More often, there's some ulterior motive, such as the desire to ensure that some daemon which is known to crash frequently is still running, or to ensure mutually exclusive access to a resource, etc. For much better discussion of these issues, see ProcessManagement or [:BashFAQ#faq33:FAQ #33].

BashFAQ/042 (last edited 2012-10-27 10:38:13 by a88-114-128-29)