Differences between revisions 22 and 34 (spanning 12 versions)
Revision 22 as of 2009-10-10 00:12:54
Size: 5890
Editor: NeilMoore
Comment: IFS='' read -r
Revision 34 as of 2012-11-27 14:25:08
Size: 5465
Editor: geirha
Comment: move expansion outside printf's format string
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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    # POSIX(?)     #bash
Line 8: Line 8:
        while IFS='' read -r l ; do printf "0$RANDOM\t%s\n" "$l"; done |         while IFS='' read -r l ; do printf '%d\t%s\n' "$RANDOM" "$l"; done |
Line 14: Line 14:
Note: the leading 0 is to make sure it doesn't break if the shell doesn't support $RANDOM, which is supported by [[BASH]], KornShell, and [[POSIX]] shell, but not BourneShell. Of course, if your shell doesn't have $RANDOM, this won't shuffle the lines very well. RANDOM is supported by [[BASH]], KornShell but is not defined by posix.
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This is (possibly) faster than the previous solution, but will not work for very old [[AWK]] implementations (try "nawk", or "gawk", if available).  The advantage of this one is that it doesn't require $RANDOM in your shell; that's outsourced to awk instead. This is (possibly) faster than the previous solution, but will not work for very old [[AWK]] implementations (try "nawk", or "gawk", or /usr/xpg4/bin/awk if available). (Note that awk use the epoch time as a seed for srand(), which might not be random enough for you)
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    # Uses a global array variable. Must be non-sparse.     # Uses a global array variable. Must be compact (not a sparse array).
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   # POSIX    # Bash
Line 57: Line 58:
   r=$(($RANDOM % n + 1)) # Random number from 1..n. (See below)    r=$((RANDOM % n + 1))  # Random number from 1..n. (See below)
Line 59: Line 60:

   #posix with awk
   awk -v n="$(wc -l<"$file")" 'BEGIN{srand();l=int((rand()*n)+1)} NR==l{print;exit}' "$file"
Line 61: Line 65:
(These examples use the answer from [[BashFAQ/011|FAQ 11]] to print the n'th line.) The first one's pretty straightforward -- we use {{{wc}}} to count the lines, choose a random number, and then use {{{sed}}} to print the line. If we already happened to know how many lines were in the file, we could skip the {{{wc}}} command, and this would be a pretty efficient approach. (see [[BashFAQ/011|this faq]] for more info about printing the n'th line.)
Line 67: Line 71:
   oIFS=$IFS IFS=$'\n' lines=($(<"$file")) IFS=$oIFS    unset lines i
   while IFS= read -r 'lines[i++]'; do :; done < "$file" # See FAQ 5
Line 86: Line 91:
... or just use {{{shuf}}} (man shuf).

 ''No man page for shuf on HP-UX 10.20, OpenBSD 4.0, or Debian unstable. {{{apt-cache show shuf}}} gives nothing. Searching for shuf in the http://freshmeat.net/ search box gives no results. Do you have a pointer to where this thing comes from?''

  ''On Debian 4.0, '''shuf''' is in the science/biosquid package''

  ''shuf is a part of GNU Coreutils''

   ''Not in GNU coreutils 5.97, which is the newest available in Debian unstable as of 2007-06-20.''

    ''gnu.org clearly shows shuf in their Coreutils package. If only Debian would update their packages once a century.''

 ''The real point of all this is that `shuf` is not portable.''
Other non portable utilities:
 * GNU Coreutils {{{shuf}}} (in recent enough coreutils)
 * GNU sort -R
Line 108: Line 103:

 > --([[http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bash/2010-01/msg00042.html]] points out a surprising pitfall concerning the use of `RANDOM` without a leading `$` in certain mathematical contexts. (Upshot: you should prefer `n=$((...math...)); ((array[n]++))` over `((array[...math...]++))` in almost every case.))--

Behavior described appears reversed in current versions of mksh, ksh93, Bash, and Zsh. Still something to keep in mind for legacy. -ormaaj


How can I randomize (shuffle) the order of lines in a file? (Or select a random line from a file, or select a random file from a directory.)

To randomize the lines of a file, here is one approach. This one involves generating a random number, which is prefixed to each line; then sorting the resulting lines, and removing the numbers.

    randomize() {
        while IFS='' read -r l ; do printf '%d\t%s\n' "$RANDOM" "$l"; done |
        sort -n |
        cut -f2-

RANDOM is supported by BASH, KornShell but is not defined by posix.

Here's the same idea (printing random numbers in front of a line, and sorting the lines on that column) using other programs:

    # Bourne
    awk '
        BEGIN { srand() }
        { print rand() "\t" $0 }
    ' |
    sort -n |    # Sort numerically on first (random number) column
    cut -f2-     # Remove sorting column

This is (possibly) faster than the previous solution, but will not work for very old AWK implementations (try "nawk", or "gawk", or /usr/xpg4/bin/awk if available). (Note that awk use the epoch time as a seed for srand(), which might not be random enough for you)

A generalized version of this question might be, How can I shuffle the elements of an array? If we don't want to use the rather clumsy approach of sorting lines, this is actually more complex than it appears. A naive approach would give us badly biased results. A more complex (and correct) algorithm looks like this:

    # Uses a global array variable.  Must be compact (not a sparse array).
    # Bash syntax.
    shuffle() {
       local i tmp size max rand

       # $RANDOM % (i+1) is biased because of the limited range of $RANDOM
       # Compensate by using a range which is a multiple of the array size.
       max=$(( 32768 / size * size ))

       for ((i=size-1; i>0; i--)); do
          while (( (rand=$RANDOM) >= max )); do :; done
          rand=$(( rand % (i+1) ))
          tmp=${array[i]} array[i]=${array[rand]} array[rand]=$tmp

This function shuffles the elements of an array in-place using the Knuth-Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm.

Another question we frequently see is, How can I print a random line from a file? The problem here is that you need to know in advance how many lines the file contains. Lacking that knowledge, you have to read the entire file through once just to count them -- or, you have to suck the entire file into memory. Let's explore both of these approaches.

   # Bash
   n=$(wc -l < "$file")        # Count number of lines.
   r=$((RANDOM % n + 1))       # Random number from 1..n. (See below)
   sed -n "$r{p;q;}" "$file"   # Print the r'th line.

   #posix with awk
   awk -v n="$(wc -l<"$file")" 'BEGIN{srand();l=int((rand()*n)+1)} NR==l{print;exit}' "$file"

(see this faq for more info about printing the n'th line.)

The next example sucks the entire file into memory. This approach saves time reopening the file, but obviously uses more memory. (Arguably: on systems with sufficient memory and an effective disk cache, you've read the file into memory by the earlier methods, unless there's insufficient memory to do so, in which case you shouldn't, QED.)

   # Bash
   unset lines i
   while IFS= read -r 'lines[i++]'; do :; done < "$file"   # See FAQ 5
   r=$((RANDOM % n))   # see below
   echo "${lines[r]}"

Note that we don't add 1 to the random number in this example, because the array of lines is indexed counting from 0.

Also, some people want to choose a random file from a directory (for a signature on an e-mail, or to choose a random song to play, or a random image to display, etc.). A similar technique can be used:

    # Bash
    files=(*.ogg)                  # Or *.gif, or *
    n=${#files[@]}                 # For aesthetics
    xmms -- "${files[RANDOM % n]}" # Choose a random element

Note that these last few examples use a simple modulus of the RANDOM variable, so the results are biased. If this is a problem for your application, then use the anti-biasing technique from the Knuth-Fisher-Yates example, above.

Other non portable utilities:

  • GNU Coreutils shuf (in recent enough coreutils)

  • GNU sort -R

Speaking of GNU coreutils, as of version 6.9 GNU sort has the -R (aka --random-sort) flag. Oddly enough, it only works for the generic locale:

     LC_ALL=C sort -R file     # output the lines in file in random order
     LC_ALL=POSIX sort -R file # output the lines in file in random order
     LC_ALL=en_US sort -R file # effectively ignores the -R option

For more details, see info coreutils sort or an equivalent manual.

Behavior described appears reversed in current versions of mksh, ksh93, Bash, and Zsh. Still something to keep in mind for legacy. -ormaaj


BashFAQ/026 (last edited 2022-01-30 23:49:34 by emanuele6)