Greg's Wiki

This is Greg's (also known as ["GrayCat"]'s) wiki. It is not very big yet, but it has got a few pages which may be of interest for people doing Unix shell scripting.

The 'official' channel FAQ for [ freenode]'s #bash channel is ["BashFAQ"]. For common mistakes made by Bash programmers, see BashPitfalls. For general Unix issues, see DotFiles, ["Permissions"], ProcessManagement, or UsingFind.

[ qmail] users, see QmailPath and QmailRelay. They're a bit rough right now.

Miscellaneous pages: FtpMustDie, XyProblem.

Tarzeau has a [ Debian wiki] with more resources that may be useful.

To the idiot at 219.88.*.* who kept porn-spamming this page: congratulations. Because of you, I have blocked the entire /16 netblock (apparently a huge chunk of New Zealand). Why do we let idiots have dynamic IP addresses??

This is a [ MoinMoin] wiki. Language packages have been installed for German and Spanish, but virtually all the content herein is in English.

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