Differences between revisions 55 and 268 (spanning 213 versions)
Revision 55 as of 2007-10-09 16:43:29
Size: 3280
Editor: a81-197-175-198
Comment: Suggestions: use catchpa, require preview, use teergrube
Revision 268 as of 2014-04-23 16:34:19
Size: 361
Editor: AKappel
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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## page was renamed from FrontPage
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#language en
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= Greg's Wiki =

This is Greg's (also known as ["GreyCat"]'s) wiki. It is not very big yet, but it has got a few pages which may be of interest for people doing Unix shell scripting.

The 'official' channel FAQ for [http://freenode.net freenode]'s {{{#bash}}} channel is ["BashFAQ"]. For common mistakes made by Bash programmers, see BashPitfalls. For general Unix issues, see DotFiles, ["Permissions"], ProcessManagement, or UsingFind.

[http://www.qmail.org qmail] users, see QmailPath and QmailRelay. They're a bit rough right now.
Miscellaneous pages: FtpMustDie, XyProblem.
Tarzeau has a [http://wiki.debian.org/DebianIRC Debian wiki] with more resources that may be useful.
To the idiot at 219.88.*.* who kept porn-spamming this page: congratulations. Because of you, I have blocked the entire /16 netblock (apparently a huge chunk of New Zealand). '''Why''' do we let idiots have dynamic IP addresses??

 Also, congratulations to greycat for blocking a whopping 65536 users out of spite just to stop one little spammer - an obviously constructive method of dealing with the fact that one's running an open wiki on a hostile network.

  And what would you do instead? Require me to activate wiki accounts by hand before letting people edit pages?

   A suggestion 1) I get a lot of mileage on my personal wiki out of blocking anonymous users from saving pages with URLs in them.

   A suggestion 2) Please install and activate ''Captchpa'' feature which would be asked before attempting to edit a page

   A suggestion 3) Require to to use ''Preview'' before page is actually posted.

   A suggestion 4) Use [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarpit_(networking) teergrube] (technique from SMTP spammer tar-pits). Accept page only after N minutes has passed since use pressed ''edit''. Say 3 minutes.

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Hello, I'm Tomas, a 19 year old from Stonebridge, Great Britain.<<BR>>
My hobbies include (but are not limited to) Seashell Collecting, Knapping and watching The Vampire Diaries.<<BR>>
Check out my website - [[http://Www.animuj.pl/wiki/index.php?title=Dyskusja_u%C5%BCytkownika:BrookeE86qpd|http://www.pneumatig.Eu/sprezarki/sprezarki-tlokowe.Html]]

Hello, I'm Tomas, a 19 year old from Stonebridge, Great Britain.
My hobbies include (but are not limited to) Seashell Collecting, Knapping and watching The Vampire Diaries.

Check out my website - http://www.pneumatig.Eu/sprezarki/sprezarki-tlokowe.Html

EnglishFrontPage (last edited 2023-11-18 22:20:18 by ormaaj)