How do I make a menu?
Some people like to use select because it's simple. If your own needs are extremely simple, then this may be sufficient for you. If you want your own look and feel, you can simply write a menu yourself. There is also [[BashFAQ/040|dialog]], which we won't cover on this page.
Using select
To use select, you need a list of choices. select will automatically assign numbers to the choices, and issue a prompt. You may customize the prompt.
$ PS3='¿Qué es más macho? ' $ select ch in schoolbus lightbulb; do echo "You have chosen $ch!"; break; done 1) schoolbus 2) lightbulb ¿Qué es más macho? 45 You have chosen ! wooledg@wooledg:~$ select ch in schoolbus lightbulb; do echo "You have chosen $ch!"; break; done 1) schoolbus 2) lightbulb ¿Qué es más macho? 2 You have chosen lightbulb!
If you check for an "empty" (invalid) selection inside the loop, then it becomes slightly less horrible:
$ select ch in schoolbus lightbulb; do if [[ $ch ]]; then echo "You have chosen $ch!"; break; fi; done 1) schoolbus 2) lightbulb ¿Qué es más macho? 45 ¿Qué es más macho? 0 ¿Qué es más macho? 2 You have chosen lightbulb!
And that's select. Moving on....
Writing your own menu
Just make a loop using echo and read. It's really that simple. Let's spice it up by making a multi-level menu application instead.
1 #!/bin/bash
3 main() {
4 while true; do
5 echo "== Make your selection:"
6 echo "a) add"
7 echo "s) subtract"
8 echo "m) multiply"
9 echo "q) quit"
10 while true; do
11 read -r -n1 -p "> " ch
12 echo
13 case $ch in
14 a) add; break;;
15 s) subtract; break;;
16 m) multiply; break;;
17 q) exit 0;;
18 *) echo "Unrecognized command. Please try again.";;
19 esac
20 done
21 done
22 }
24 add() {
25 local a b
26 while true; do
27 echo "== Addition"
28 echo "Enter first addend, or q to return to main menu."
29 read -r -p "> " a
30 [[ $a = q ]] && return
31 echo "Enter second addend."
32 read -r -p "> " b
33 echo "$a + $b = $((a + b))"
34 done
35 }
37 # subtract and multiply functions not shown
39 main
You can make it as simple or as complex as you like. You can create your own input function to wrap read and persist until the user types a syntactically valid response. You can use read -e to allow the user to use readline editing features. It's all up to you.