Differences between revisions 2 and 6 (spanning 4 versions)
Revision 2 as of 2012-02-06 05:29:04
Size: 2338
Editor: dethrophes
Comment: added example how foo=bar echo "$foo" can be useful
Revision 6 as of 2013-07-22 21:02:01
Size: 2729
Editor: dhcp-128-171-56-213
Comment: Put double quotes around the expansion of "${arr[*]}". (Not needed for the particular value assigned to arr, but in general is needed to preserve white space in the array elements.)
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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$ unset foo $ unset -v foo
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There are some special cases in Bash where understanding this can be useful. Take the following example:
  arr=('Var 1' 'Var 2' 'Var 3' 'Var 4')
Line 42: Line 45:
There are some special cases in bash where understanding this can be useful. Take the following examples
  # Allow us to set IFS for 1 assigment
  Array1=( "Var 1" "Var 2" "Var 3" "Var 4" )
  # join each array element with a ";"
  # Traditional solution: set IFS, then unset it afterward
  unset -v IFS
Line 47: Line 51:
  # joins each array element with a ";"
  IFS=";" eval 'echo "${Array1[*]}"'
  # Var 1;Var 2;Var 3;Var 4
  # Alternative solution: temporarily set IFS for the duration of eval
  IFS=\; command eval 'JoinedVariable="${arr[*]}"'
Line 51: Line 55:
  IFS=";" eval 'JoinedVariable="${Array1[*]}"'
  echo "${JoinedVariable}"
  # Var 1;Var 2;Var 3;Var 4

  # splits the string at ";"
  IFS=";" eval 'Array2=(${JoinedVariable})'
  IFS="_" eval 'echo "${Array2[*]}"'
  # Var 1_Var 2_Var 3_Var 4

Here, the `eval` alternative is simpler and more elegant. Appropriate care must be taken [[BashFAQ/048|to ensure safety when using eval]]. The `command` prefix is required for all shells other than Bash plus Bash POSIX mode (see [[http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/commands/builtin/eval#using_the_environment]]). This won't work in recent versions of zsh due to an apparent regression (documented behavior broken for `setopt POSIX_BUILTINS`), or busybox due to a bug in that environment assignments fail to propagate in this case. (feel free to file bugs if anybody cares enough.)

Why doesn't foo=bar echo "$foo" print bar?

This is subtle, and has to do with the exact order in which the BashParser performs each step.

Many people, when they first learn about var=value command and how it temporarily sets a variable for the duration of a command, eventually work up an example like this one and become confused why it doesn't do what they expect.

As an illustration:

$ unset foo
$ foo=bar echo "$foo"

$ echo "$foo"

$ foo=bar; echo "$foo"

The reason the first one prints a blank line is because of the order of these steps:

  • The parameter expansion of $foo is done first. An empty string is substituted for the quoted expression.

  • After that, Bash sets up a temporary environment and puts foo=bar in it.

  • The echo command is run, with an empty string as an argument, and foo=bar in its environment. But since echo doesn't care about environment variables, it ignores that.

This version works as we expect:

$ unset -v foo
$ foo=bar bash -c 'echo "$foo"'

In this case, the following steps are performed:

  • A temporary environment is set up with foo=bar in it.

  • bash is invoked within that environment, and given -c and echo "$foo" as its two arguments.

  • The child Bash process expands the $foo using the value from the environment and hands that value to echo.

It's not entirely clear, in all cases, why people ask us this question. Mostly they seem to be curious about the behavior, rather than trying to solve a specific problem; so I won't try to give any examples of "the right way to do things like this", since there's no real problem to solve.

There are some special cases in Bash where understanding this can be useful. Take the following example:

  arr=('Var 1' 'Var 2' 'Var 3' 'Var 4')

  # join each array element with a ";"
  # Traditional solution: set IFS, then unset it afterward
  unset -v IFS

  # Alternative solution: temporarily set IFS for the duration of eval
  IFS=\; command eval 'JoinedVariable="${arr[*]}"'

Here, the eval alternative is simpler and more elegant. Appropriate care must be taken to ensure safety when using eval. The command prefix is required for all shells other than Bash plus Bash POSIX mode (see http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/commands/builtin/eval#using_the_environment). This won't work in recent versions of zsh due to an apparent regression (documented behavior broken for setopt POSIX_BUILTINS), or busybox due to a bug in that environment assignments fail to propagate in this case. (feel free to file bugs if anybody cares enough.)

BashFAQ/104 (last edited 2022-08-01 14:45:16 by emanuele6)