
How can I trim leading/trailing white space from one of my variables?

There are a few ways to do this:

   #POSIX, but fails if the variable contains newlines
   read -r var << EOF

One can also achieve in bash using a herestring

   # Bash still fails if the variable contains a newline.
   read  -r x <<< "$x"

(note: using IFS=$' \t' read -d "" -r x partially fix the "problem" of the newlines but adds a trailing \n)

There's also a solution using [:glob:extglob]:

   # Bash
   shopt -s extglob
   x=${x##+([[:space:]])} x=${x%%+([[:space:]])}
   shopt -u extglob

This also works in KornShell, without needing the explicit extglob setting:

   # ksh
   x=${x##+([[:space:]])} x=${x%%+([[:space:]])}

There are many, many other ways to do this, using sed for instance:

   # POSIX, suppress the trailing and leading whitespace on every lines
   x=$(echo "$x" | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//')

These are not necessarily the best, but they're known to work.