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== I set variables in a loop. Why do they suddenly disappear after the loop terminates? Or, why can't I pipe data to read? ==

=== The problem ===

In most shells, each command of a pipeline is executed in a separate SubShell.
== I set variables in a loop that's in a pipeline. Why do they disappear after the loop terminates? Or, why can't I pipe data to read? ==
In most shells, each command of a pipeline is executed in a separate SubShell.  Non-working example:
Line 9: Line 6:
    # Non-working example (except in ksh88/ksh93)
    printf "%s\n" foo bar | while read -r line
    echo "total number of lines: $linecnt" # prints 0
# Works only in ksh88/ksh93, or zsh or bash 4.2 with lastpipe enabled
# In other shells, this will print 0
Line 17: Line 10:
    # the problem also occurs without a loop
    echo 2 | read -r var
    echo $var # also prints 0
printf '%s\n' foo bar |
while IFS= read -r line
    linecount=$((linecount + 1))

echo "total number of lines: $linecount"
Line 23: Line 19:
The reason for this surprising behaviour is that a {{{while/for/until}}} loop runs in a SubShell when it's part of a pipeline. For the {{{while}}} loop above, a new subshell with its own copy of the variable {{{linecnt}}} is created (initial value, taken from the parent shell: "0"). This copy then is used for counting. When the {{{while}}} loop is finished, the subshell copy is discarded, and the original variable {{{linecnt}}} of the parent (whose value has not changed) is used in the {{{echo}}} command. The reason for this potentially surprising behaviour, as described above, is that each SubShell introduces a new variable context and environment. The `while` loop above is executed in a new subshell with its own copy of the variable `linecount` created with the initial value of '0' taken from the parent shell. This copy then is used for counting. When the `while` loop is finished, the subshell copy is discarded, and the original variable `linecount` of the parent (whose value hasn't changed) is used in the `echo` command.
Line 25: Line 21:
Different shells behave differently when using redirection or pipes with a loop: Different shells exhibit different behaviors in this situation:
Line 27: Line 23:
 * [[BASH]] creates a new process only if the loop is part of a pipeline
 * KornShell creates it only if the loop is part of a pipeline, but ''not'' if the loop is the last part of it.  (The example above actually ''works'' in ksh88 and ksh93!)
 * [[BASH]], Yash and PDKsh-derived shells create a new process only if the loop is part of a pipeline.
 * KornShell and Zsh creates it only if the loop is part of a pipeline, but ''not'' if the loop is the last part of it. The read example above actually ''works'' in ksh88, ksh93, zsh! (but not MKsh or other PDKsh-derived shells)
Line 30: Line 26:

More broken stuff:
# Bash 4
# The problem also occurs without a loop
printf '%s\n' foo bar | mapfile -t line
printf 'total number of lines: %s\n' "${#line[@]}" # prints 0

f() {
    if [[ -t 0 ]]; then
        echo "$1"
        read -r var

f 'hello' | f
echo "$var" # prints nothing

Again, in both cases the pipeline causes `read` or some containing command to run in a subshell, so its effect is never witnessed in the parent process.

It should be stressed that this issue isn't specific to loops. It's a general property of all pipes, though the `while/read` loop might be considered the canonical example that crops up over and over when people read the help or manpage description of the `read` builtin and notice that it accepts data on stdin. They might recall that data redirected into a compound command is available throughout that command, but not understand why all the fancy process substitutions and redirects they run across in places like [[BashFAQ/001|FAQ #1]] are necessary. Naturally they proceed to put their funstuff directly into a pipeline, and confusion ensues.
Line 33: Line 54:
Several possibilities to avoid the subshell exist:

 * If the input is a file, remove the '''useless use of cat''':
 * If the input is a file, a simple redirect will suffice:
Line 38: Line 57:
  while read -r line; do linecnt=$(($linecnt+1)); done < file
  echo $linecnt
while IFS= read -r line; do linecount=$((linecount + 1)); done < file
echo "$linecount"
Line 43: Line 62:
 Unfortunately this doesn't work with a Bourne shell; see [[http://heirloom.sourceforge.net/sh/sh.1.html#20|sh(1) from the Heirloom Bourne Shell]] for a workaround.  Unfortunately, this doesn't work with a Bourne shell; see [[http://heirloom.sourceforge.net/sh/sh.1.html#20|sh(1) from the Heirloom Bourne Shell]] for a workaround.
Line 45: Line 64:
 * '''Group the commands''' and do it all in the subshell:  * Use [[BashGuide/CompoundCommands#Command_grouping|command grouping]] and do everything in the subshell:
Line 48: Line 67:
  cat /etc/passwd |
      while read -r line ; do
      echo "total number of lines: $linecnt"
Line 59: Line 70:
 * Use ProcessSubstitution (BASH only): cat /etc/passwd |
    while IFS= read -r line
        linecount=$((linecount + 1))

    echo "total number of lines: $linecount"

 This doesn't really change the subshell situation, but if nothing from the subshell is needed in the rest of your code then destroying the local environment after you're through with it could be just what you want anyway.

 * Use ProcessSubstitution (Bash/Zsh/Ksh93 only):
Line 62: Line 86:
    # Bash
    while read -r line; do
    done < <(grep PATH /etc/profile)
    echo "total number of lines: $linecnt"
# Bash/Ksh93/Zsh
while IFS= read -r line
done < <(grep PATH /etc/profile)
Line 69: Line 92:
 See also [[BashFAQ/001|FAQ #1]] echo "total number of lines: $linecount"
Line 71: Line 95:
 * Use a [[NamedPipes|named pipe]] (POSIX):
   # POSIX
   mkfifo mypipe
   grep PATH /etc/profile > mypipe &
   while read -r line;do
   done < mypipe
   echo "total number of lines: $linecnt"
 This is essentially identical to the first workaround above. We still redirect a file, only this time the file happens to be a named pipe temporarily created by our process substitution to transport the output of grep.
Line 82: Line 97:
 * Use a '''coprocess''' (ksh, even pdksh, oksh, mksh..):
  # ksh
  grep PATH /etc/profile |&
  while read -r -p line; do
  echo "total number of lines: $linecnt"

 * Another useful trick (using Bash/ksh93 syntax) is breaking a variable into words using {{{read}}}:
 * Use a [[NamedPipes|named pipe]]:
Line 95: Line 100:
  # Bash
  echo "$foo" | read -r a b c # this doesn't work
  read -r a b c <<< "$foo" # but this does
mkfifo mypipe
grep PATH /etc/profile > mypipe &
Line 100: Line 104:
 Again, the pipeline causes the {{{read}}} command in the first example to run in a subshell, so its effect is never witnessed in the parent process. The second example does not create any subshells, so it works as we expect. The {{{<<<}}} operator is specific to bash (2.05b and later), and the input which follows it is usually called a "here string". while IFS= read -r line
    linecount=$((linecount + 1))
done < mypipe
Line 102: Line 109:
 For more examples of how to break input into words, see [[BashFAQ/001|FAQ #1]]. echo "total number of lines: $linecount"
Line 104: Line 112:
 * With a POSIX shell you can use a here document instead:  * Use a [[http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/syntax/keywords/coproc|coprocess]] (ksh, even pdksh, oksh, mksh..):
Line 106: Line 115:
  read -r a b c << EOF
# ksh
grep PATH /etc/profile |&

while IFS= read -r -p line
    linecount=$((linecount + 1))

echo "total number of lines: $linecount"

# bash>4
coproc grep PATH /etc/profile

while IFS= read -r line
    linecount=$((linecount + 1))
done <&"${COPROC[0]}"

echo "total number of lines: $linecount"

 * Use a HereString (Bash/Zsh/Ksh93 only, though the example uses the Bash-specific {{{read -a}}} (Ksh93 and Zsh using {{{read -A}}} instead)):

# Options:
# -r Backslash does not act as an escape character for the word separators or line delimiter.
# -a The words are assigned to sequential indices of the array "words"

read -ra words <<< 'hi ho hum'
printf 'total number of words: %d\n' "${#words[@]}"

 The `<<<` operator is available in Bash (2.05b and later), Zsh (where it was first introduced inspired from a similar operator in the Unix port of the `rc` shell), Ksh93 and Yash.

 * With a POSIX shell, or for longer multi-line data, you can use a here document instead:

while IFS= read -r; do
done <<EOF

printf 'total number of lines: %d\n' "$linecount"

 * Use lastpipe (Bash 4.2)

# Bash 4.2
# +m: Disable monitor mode (job control). Background processes display their
# exit status upon completion when in monitor mode (we don't want that).
set +m
shopt -s lastpipe

printf '%s\n' hi{,,,,,} | while IFS= read -r "lines[x++]"; do :; done
printf 'total number of lines: %d\n' "${#lines[@]}"

 Bash 4.2 introduces the aforementioned ksh-like behavior to Bash. The one caveat is that job control must not be enabled, thereby limiting its usefulness in an interactive shell.

For more related examples of how to read input and break it into words, see [[BashFAQ/001|FAQ #1]].


I set variables in a loop that's in a pipeline. Why do they disappear after the loop terminates? Or, why can't I pipe data to read?

In most shells, each command of a pipeline is executed in a separate SubShell. Non-working example:

# Works only in ksh88/ksh93, or zsh or bash 4.2 with lastpipe enabled
# In other shells, this will print 0

printf '%s\n' foo bar |
while IFS= read -r line
    linecount=$((linecount + 1))

echo "total number of lines: $linecount"

The reason for this potentially surprising behaviour, as described above, is that each SubShell introduces a new variable context and environment. The while loop above is executed in a new subshell with its own copy of the variable linecount created with the initial value of '0' taken from the parent shell. This copy then is used for counting. When the while loop is finished, the subshell copy is discarded, and the original variable linecount of the parent (whose value hasn't changed) is used in the echo command.

Different shells exhibit different behaviors in this situation:

  • BourneShell creates a subshell when the input or output of anything (loops, case etc..) but a simple command is redirected, either by using a pipeline or by a redirection operator ('<', '>').

  • BASH, Yash and PDKsh-derived shells create a new process only if the loop is part of a pipeline.

  • KornShell and Zsh creates it only if the loop is part of a pipeline, but not if the loop is the last part of it. The read example above actually works in ksh88, ksh93, zsh! (but not MKsh or other PDKsh-derived shells)

  • POSIX specifies the bash behaviour, but as an extension allows any or all of the parts of the pipeline to run without a subshell (thus permitting the KornShell behaviour, as well).

More broken stuff:

# Bash 4
# The problem also occurs without a loop
printf '%s\n' foo bar | mapfile -t line
printf 'total number of lines: %s\n' "${#line[@]}" # prints 0

f() {
    if [[ -t 0 ]]; then
        echo "$1"
        read -r var

f 'hello' | f
echo "$var" # prints nothing

Again, in both cases the pipeline causes read or some containing command to run in a subshell, so its effect is never witnessed in the parent process.

It should be stressed that this issue isn't specific to loops. It's a general property of all pipes, though the while/read loop might be considered the canonical example that crops up over and over when people read the help or manpage description of the read builtin and notice that it accepts data on stdin. They might recall that data redirected into a compound command is available throughout that command, but not understand why all the fancy process substitutions and redirects they run across in places like FAQ #1 are necessary. Naturally they proceed to put their funstuff directly into a pipeline, and confusion ensues.


  • If the input is a file, a simple redirect will suffice:
    # POSIX
    while IFS= read -r line; do linecount=$((linecount + 1)); done < file
    echo "$linecount"

    Unfortunately, this doesn't work with a Bourne shell; see sh(1) from the Heirloom Bourne Shell for a workaround.

  • Use command grouping and do everything in the subshell:

    # POSIX
    cat /etc/passwd |
        while IFS= read -r line
            linecount=$((linecount + 1))
        echo "total number of lines: $linecount"
    This doesn't really change the subshell situation, but if nothing from the subshell is needed in the rest of your code then destroying the local environment after you're through with it could be just what you want anyway.
  • Use ProcessSubstitution (Bash/Zsh/Ksh93 only):

    # Bash/Ksh93/Zsh
    while IFS= read -r line
    done < <(grep PATH /etc/profile)
    echo "total number of lines: $linecount"
    This is essentially identical to the first workaround above. We still redirect a file, only this time the file happens to be a named pipe temporarily created by our process substitution to transport the output of grep.
  • Use a named pipe:

    # POSIX
    mkfifo mypipe
    grep PATH /etc/profile > mypipe &
    while IFS= read -r line
        linecount=$((linecount + 1))
    done < mypipe
    echo "total number of lines: $linecount"
  • Use a coprocess (ksh, even pdksh, oksh, mksh..):

    # ksh
    grep PATH /etc/profile |&
    while IFS= read -r -p line
        linecount=$((linecount + 1))
    echo "total number of lines: $linecount"
    # bash>4
    coproc grep PATH /etc/profile
    while IFS= read -r line
        linecount=$((linecount + 1))
    done <&"${COPROC[0]}"
    echo "total number of lines: $linecount"
  • Use a HereString (Bash/Zsh/Ksh93 only, though the example uses the Bash-specific read -a (Ksh93 and Zsh using read -A instead)):

    # Options:
    # -r Backslash does not act as an escape character for the word separators or line delimiter.
    # -a The words are assigned to sequential indices of the array "words"
    read -ra words <<< 'hi ho hum'
    printf 'total number of words: %d\n' "${#words[@]}"

    The <<< operator is available in Bash (2.05b and later), Zsh (where it was first introduced inspired from a similar operator in the Unix port of the rc shell), Ksh93 and Yash.

  • With a POSIX shell, or for longer multi-line data, you can use a here document instead:
    # POSIX
    while IFS= read -r; do
    done <<EOF
    printf 'total number of lines: %d\n' "$linecount"
  • Use lastpipe (Bash 4.2)
    # Bash 4.2
    # +m: Disable monitor mode (job control). Background processes display their
    #     exit status upon completion when in monitor mode (we don't want that).
    set +m
    shopt -s lastpipe
    printf '%s\n' hi{,,,,,} | while IFS= read -r "lines[x++]"; do :; done
    printf 'total number of lines: %d\n' "${#lines[@]}"
    Bash 4.2 introduces the aforementioned ksh-like behavior to Bash. The one caveat is that job control must not be enabled, thereby limiting its usefulness in an interactive shell.

For more related examples of how to read input and break it into words, see FAQ #1.


BashFAQ/024 (last edited 2023-12-12 13:15:33 by 195)