Differences between revisions 4 and 14 (spanning 10 versions)
Revision 4 as of 2007-09-02 23:28:23
Size: 2905
Editor: c-24-19-17-243
Comment: -i is not unique to GNU sed.
Revision 14 as of 2008-11-18 09:46:23
Size: 400
Editor: cpe-071-076-252-242
Comment: Wery well! However, as you say, the pit lane signals are a very vital part of this activity which not many people like to do 1940s style kitchen appliances I've just been sitting around waiting for so
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== How can I replace a string with another string in all files? ==
{{{sed}}} is a good command to replace strings, e.g.

    sed 's/olddomain\.com/newdomain.com/g' input > output

To replace a string in all files of the current directory:

    for i in *; do
        sed 's/old/new/g' "$i" > atempfile && mv atempfile "$i"

GNU sed 4.x (and sed on FreeBSD and Mac OS X) has a special {{{-i}}} flag which makes the loop and temp file unnecessary:

      sed -i 's/old/new/g' *

Those of you who have perl 5 can accomplish the same thing using this code:

    perl -pi -e 's/old/new/g' *

Recursively (requires GNU or BSD {{{find}}}):

    find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 perl -pi -e 's/old/new/g'

To replace for example all "unsigned" with "unsigned long", if it is not "unsigned int" or "unsigned long" ...:

    find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 perl -i.bak -pne \
 's/\bunsigned\b(?!\s+(int|short|long|char))/unsigned long/g'

Finally, for those of you with ''none'' of the useful things above, here's a script that may be useful:

    # chtext - change text in several files

    # neither string may contain '|' unquoted

    # if no files were specified on the command line, use all files:
    [ $# -lt 1 ] && set -- *

    for file
        [ -f "$file" ] || continue # do not process e.g. directories
        [ -r "$file" ] || continue # cannot read file - ignore it
        # Replace string, write output to temporary file. Terminate script in case of errors
        sed "s|$old|$new|g" "$file" > "$file"-new || exit
        # If the file has changed, overwrite original file. Otherwise remove copy
        if cmp "$file" "$file"-new >/dev/null 2>&1
        then rm "$file"-new # file has not changed
        else mv "$file"-new "$file" # file has changed: overwrite original file

If the code above is put into a script file (e.g. {{{chtext}}}), the resulting script can be used to change a text e.g. in all HTML files of the current and all subdirectories:

    find . -type f -name '*.html' -exec chtext {} \;

Many optimizations are possible:
 * use another {{{sed}}} separator character than '|', e.g. ^A (ASCII 1)
 * the {{{find}}} command above could use either {{{xargs}}} or the built-in {{{xargs}}} of POSIX find

Note: {{{set -- *}}} in the code above is safe with respect to files whose names contain spaces. The expansion of * by {{{set}}} is the same as the expansion done by {{{for}}}, and filenames will be preserved properly as individual parameters, and not broken into words on whitespace.

A more sophisticated example of {{{chtext}}} is here: http://www.shelldorado.com/scripts/cmds/chtext
Wery well! However, as you say, the pit lane signals are a very vital part of this activity which not many people like to do 1940s style kitchen appliances I've just been sitting around waiting for something to happen. http://ketchup85.free.bg/recipef82.html visine cocktail count, http://fairisle58.free.bg/recipeb12.html mid-states supply kitchen design wi, Best regards,

Wery well! However, as you say, the pit lane signals are a very vital part of this activity which not many people like to do 1940s style kitchen appliances I've just been sitting around waiting for something to happen. http://ketchup85.free.bg/recipef82.html visine cocktail count, http://fairisle58.free.bg/recipeb12.html mid-states supply kitchen design wi, Best regards,


BashFAQ/021 (last edited 2022-11-03 23:42:27 by GreyCat)