<> == What is buffering? Or, why does my command line produce no output: tail -f logfile | grep 'foo bar' | awk ... == Most standard Unix commands buffer their output when used non-interactively. This means that they don't write each character (or even each line) immediately, but instead collect a larger number of characters (often 4 kilobytes) before printing anything at all. In the case above, the `grep` command buffers its output, and therefore `awk` only gets its input in large chunks. Buffering greatly increases the efficiency of I/O operations, and it's usually done in a way that doesn't visibly affect the user. A simple `tail -f` from an interactive terminal session works just fine, but when a command is part of a complicated pipeline, the command might not recognize that the final output is needed in (near) real time. Fortunately, there are several techniques available for controlling I/O buffering behavior. The most important thing to understand about buffering is that it's the ''writer'' who's doing it, not the reader. ==== Eliminate unnecessary commands ==== In the question, we have the pipeline `tail -f logfile | grep 'foo bar' | awk ...` (with the actual AWK command being unspecified). There is no problem if we simply run `tail -f logfile`, because `tail -f` never buffers its output. Nor is there a problem if we run `tail -f logfile | grep 'foo bar'` interactively, because `grep` does not buffer its output if its standard output is a terminal. However, if the output of `grep` is being piped into something else (such as an AWK command), it starts buffering to improve efficiency. In this particular example, the `grep` is actually redundant. We can remove it, and have AWK perform the filtering in addition to whatever else it's doing: {{{#!highlight bash tail -f logfile | awk '/foo bar/ ...' }}} In other cases, this sort of consolidation may not be possible. But you should always look for the simplest solution first. ==== Your command may already support unbuffered output ==== Some programs provide special command line options specifically for this sort of problem: ||awk (GNU awk, nawk, busybox awk, mawk) ||use the `fflush()` function. [[https://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=634|It will be defined in POSIX Issue 8]]|| ||awk (mawk) ||`-W interactive` || ||find (GNU) ||use `-printf` with the `\c` escape || ||grep (e.g. GNU version 2.5.1) ||`--line-buffered` || ||jq ||`--unbuffered` || ||python ||`-u` || ||sed (e.g. GNU version 4.0.6) ||`-u`, `--unbuffered` || ||tcpdump, tethereal ||`-l` || Each command that writes to a pipe would have to be told to disable buffering, in order for the entire pipeline to run in (near) real time. The last command in the pipeline, if it's writing to a terminal, will not typically need any special consideration. ==== Disabling buffering in a C application ==== If the buffering application is written in C, and is either your own or one whose source you can modify, you can disable the buffering with: {{{#!highlight c setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); }}} Often, you can simply add this at the top of the `main()` function, but if the application closes and reopens stdout, or explicitly calls `setvbuf()` later, you may need to exercise more discretion. ==== unbuffer ==== The [[http://expect.sourceforge.net/|expect]] package has an [[http://expect.sourceforge.net/example/unbuffer.man.html|unbuffer]] program which effectively tricks other programs into always behaving as if they were being used interactively (which may often disable buffering). Here's a simple example: {{{#!highlight bash tail -f logfile | unbuffer grep 'foo bar' | awk ... }}} `expect` and `unbuffer` are not standard POSIX tools, but they may already be installed on your system. ==== stdbuf ==== Recent versions of [[http://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/|GNU coreutils]] (from 7.5 onwards) come with a nice utility called [[http://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/manual/coreutils.html#stdbuf-invocation|stdbuf]], which can be used among other things to "unbuffer" the standard output of a command. Here's the basic usage for our example: {{{#!highlight bash tail -f logfile | stdbuf -oL grep 'foo bar' | awk ... }}} In the above code, `-oL` makes stdout line buffered; you can even use `-o0` to entirely disable buffering. The man and info pages have all the details. `stdbuf` is not a standard POSIX tool, but it may already be installed on your system (if you're using a recent GNU/Linux distribution, it will probably be present). ==== less ==== If you simply wanted to highlight the search term, rather than filter out non-matching lines, you can use the `less` program instead of a filtered `tail -f`: {{{#!highlight bash less program.log }}} * Inside `less`, start a search with the '/' command (similar to searching in vi). Or start less with the `-p pattern` option. * This should highlight any instances of the search term. * Now put `less` into "follow" mode, which by default is bound to shift+f. * You should get an unfiltered tail of the specified file, with the search term highlighted. "Follow" mode is stopped with an interrupt, which is probably control+c on your system. The '/' command accepts regular expressions, so you could do things like highlight the entire line on which a term appears. For details, consult `man less`. ==== coproc ==== If you're using ksh or Bash 4.0+, whatever you're really trying to do with `tail -f` might benefit from using [[http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/syntax/keywords/coproc|coproc]] and fflush() to create a coprocess. Note well that `coproc` does '''not''' itself address buffering issues (in fact it's prone to buffering problems -- hence the reference to fflush). `coproc` is only mentioned here because whenever someone is trying to continuously monitor and react to a still-growing file (or pipe), they might be trying to do something which would benefit from coprocesses. ==== Further reading ==== * http://www.pixelbeat.org/programming/stdio_buffering ---- CategoryShell